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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2015 in all areas

  1. Hi. Recently, i have been experimenting with DDoS protected CDN's such as Cloudflare, Incapsula and other providers, however, none of them really offered me good layer 7 DDoS protection. However, after my friend founded this new company which runs on his servers, all DDoS attacks have been mitigated immediately. This tutorial will explain how you can get free DDoS protection from AthenaLayer.com and how to set it up. 1. First, go in your AdminCP (IPB 4.x.x), and go to Security Settings, then you need to select "Show AdminCP link to Administrators" and "Trust IP addresses provided by proxies", since the CDN changes your IP everytime it refreshes, it's necessary to select this. 2. Register for a free account in athenalayer.com, add your website and verify it, there are instructions in the control panel how to do so. 3. Add your website and wait for DNS to update, also make sure you don't have any "open" CNAMES or A records which connects directly to your server. And that's it, you're now DDoS protected from any sorts of attacks - here's my site so you can see the preview. If you'd like DDoS protected host, then i'd recommend nalhost.com which is owned by the same person and will be able to help you against any attacks. Thanks.
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