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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/20/2015 in all areas

    Any chance of upload of Nerva 4.1.x and IPBForo 1.0.6? :)
    1 point
  1. Version 1.0.0


    Seperated these icons myself, if you can do it better, go ahead :P Don't mind the names I gave the emoticons, I dont have much inspiration. Feel free to use this button:
    1 point
  2. 279 downloads

    [b]File Name[/b]: Invision Power Board Website Integration (IPBWI) 3.5.0 [b]File Submitter[/b]: wwetnagamer009 [b]File Submitted[/b]: 22 Mar 2013 [b]File Category[/b]: [url="http://masyita.net/files/category/20-ipb-34x-mods/"]IPB 3.4.x Mods[/url] IPBWI is the most powerful Application Programming Interface (API) for IP.board. Feel free to build own, unique applications and connect your website to your Invision Power Board. License: GPL 3 [b]Please note that there is a non-free WordPress plugin based on IPBWI which allows [url="http://ipbwi.com/products/"]IP.board integration into WordPress[/url] out-of-a-box.[/b] IPBWI supports to load IP.board's Rich-Text-Editor on your website to give your user's best experience by using the following features of IPBWI: [b]Member Management:[/b][list] [*]Create [*]Login [*]Logout [*]Info [*]Update [*]view photo [*]update photo [*]Delete [*]Number of new Posts [*]pips [*]icon [*]random list [*]online list [/list] [b]Member Groups:[/b][list] [*]View [*]Check [*]Change [*]getList [*]create [*]update [*]listMemberGroups [/list] [b]Forums:[/b][list] [*]Info [*]get all subforums [*]get category list [/list] [b]Topics:[/b][list] [*]Info [*]List [*]Rate [*]Create [*]Edit [/list] [b]Posts:[/b][list] [*]Info [*]List [*]Create [*]Edit [/list] [b]Polls:[/b][list] [*]Info [*]voted [*]total votes [*]id2topicid [*]vote [*]nullVote [*]create [*]delete [/list] [b]Private Messages:[/b][list] [*]getList [*]info [*]send [*]reply [*]move [*]delete [*]spaceUsage [*]numNewPMs [*]numTotalPMs [*]numFolderPMs [*]getFolders [*]folderAdd [*]folderRename [*]folderFlush [*]folderDelete [*]folderExists [*]folderid2name [*]blockContact [*]blockedList [*]isBlocked [/list] [b]Attachments:[/b][list] [*]Info [*]List [*]Replacing Post Vars (now works with Topic Lists, too) [/list] [b]Custom Profile Fields:[/b][list] [*]view [*]list [*]update [*]customFieldValue [/list] [b]Permission Control:[/b][list] [*]is admin [*]is logged in [*]is supermod [*]is readable [*]is postable [*]is startable [*]is downloadable [*]is uploadable [*]get readable [*]get postable [*]get startable [*]get downloadable [*]get uploadable [*]create [/list] [b]Converting Features:[/b] members[list] [*]name2id [*]id2name [*]displayname2id [*]id2displayname [*]email2id [/list] topics[list] [*]title2id [*]id2title [/list] forums[list] [*]name2id [/list] bbcode[list] [*]bbcode2html [/list] [b]Skins:[/b][list] [*]List [*]Info [*]Change [/list] [b]Reports:[/b][list] [*]getList [*]create [/list] [b]System Informations:[/b][list] [*]about your current IPBWI, Board and PHP installation [*]board stats [*]members activity stats [/list] [b]for IP.gallery Application[/b][list] [*]getViewable [*]getLatestList [*]getAllSubs [*]catList [*]info [/list]
    -1 points
  3. 355 downloads

    DustBlue by codegame.net Free DustBlue skin for IP.Board 3.4.1 It's a dark skin with blue elements. Compatible with all IPS addons. Includes unique text editor and team icons. Smallest amount of images, reloads the page faster for you. Demo Skin Compatible with: Downloads Blog Content Nexus Shoutbox and much more logo PSD team icons PSD XML's readme What's New in Version 3.4.x Compatible with IPB 3.4.1
    -1 points
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