Happy Holidays WebFlakians! Here's a quick way to add a snow effect to your IP.Board installation without having to use a plugin, so it works on most versions. Requirements Snowfall jQuery script: http://loktar00.github.io/JQuery-Snowfall/snowfall.jquery.min.jsA tiny bit of template editing knowledge in your IPS installation.Save (CTRL+S) and then Upload the js scripts to your FTP in a location where you can easily find them. For this tutorial we'll just use /uploads/, since my time really digging into IPS4 has been so short i couldn't think of a better location. Inserting the Snow Script (IPS 4) Go to Customization > Appearance > Themes and hit the "Edit HTML and CSS" button. You should now be in "globalTemplate". Just before the </head> line, make a new line and copy paste this code: <script src='/uploads/snowfall.jquery.min.js'></script>
$( document ).ready(function() {
$(document).snowfall({shadow : true, round : true, minSize: 5, maxSize:8});
</script>And that's about it folks. Let me know if there's any issues and have a wonderful holiday season :)