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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2015 in all areas

  1. I think that IPB 3 still supports this. Unsure if it works with IPB 4 But how i would do it. Install IPB 3 and IPS ConverterConvert the forum from MyBB to IPB 3Upgrade IPB 3 to 4
    2 points
  2. Happy Holidays WebFlakians! Here's a quick way to add a snow effect to your IP.Board installation without having to use a plugin, so it works on most versions. Requirements Snowfall jQuery script: http://loktar00.github.io/JQuery-Snowfall/snowfall.jquery.min.jsA tiny bit of template editing knowledge in your IPS installation.Save (CTRL+S) and then Upload the js scripts to your FTP in a location where you can easily find them. For this tutorial we'll just use /uploads/, since my time really digging into IPS4 has been so short i couldn't think of a better location. Inserting the Snow Script (IPS 4) Go to Customization > Appearance > Themes and hit the "Edit HTML and CSS" button. You should now be in "globalTemplate". Just before the </head> line, make a new line and copy paste this code: <script src='/uploads/snowfall.jquery.min.js'></script> <script> $( document ).ready(function() { $(document).snowfall({shadow : true, round : true, minSize: 5, maxSize:8}); }); </script>And that's about it folks. Let me know if there's any issues and have a wonderful holiday season :)
    1 point
  3. It's work for all ipb version and also in all site web add in custom.css : body { cursor: url(http://yourdomaine.com/yourcursor.cur),default; } and : a:hover { cursor: url(http://yourdomaine.com/yourcursor.cur),default; }found a custom cursor here : http://www.rw-designer.com/cursor-library or create your here : http://www.cursor.cc/ and add it in your server in ftp and change 2 link in code become. You can see a exemple in live in http://titcrea.com (i use only the first code in body for keep the hand in link)
    1 point
  4. Go to ACPGo to your themeClick on "Edit HTML and CSS"Search for "custom.css"Aplicate this code and save:#elLicenseKey { display: none; }
    1 point
  5. 613 downloads

    Nerva is a beautiful theme of IPS, it cost $25 and I will share free ! The theme is easily changed in the admin panel ! Demo -> http://ipbforo.com/demos/skins.php?theme=Nerva
    1 point
  6. Version 4.9.2


    More Control and Lighter Interface Visual Composer 4.8 offers smart controls for easy and powerful user group role access. Now you can reduce number of options and features available to your content editors or people with non-IT skills. This results in less things to learn in order to start managing content of your site. Carefully crafted preview of templates allows you to see Backend editor style template layouts before adding them to your page or post. There is no more need to remember title of each and every template within your list - simply reveal preview and decide yourself if this is a best match for your page. User Group Roles Access Powerful control mechanisms for managing options and features available for different user group roles. Template Preview See before you add - now you can reveal quick Backend editor style preview of any template including Grid Builder templates. Minimized CSS Minimized CSS allows reducing size of Visual Composer plugin and also have positive effect on overall performance as there is less data to load. Other valuable features Element Presets Controls API Control element presets and set default by using Visual Composer API. Separator Enhancements Add icons to "Separator with Text" and use new shadow style in both separator elements. Welcome Screen Design More clean and simple Blank Welcome Screen design focusing on most important parts. Load More Button in Grid Load more button in Grid elements are now using latest button with all available features.
    1 point
  7. The IPS site state different:
    1 point
  8. Thank you man that got ride of my annoying license key missing and the upgrade boxes.
    1 point
  9. You are right there are no converter tools yet for ipb4 ;)
    1 point
  10. They are causing lag on WebFlake. Check our feature plan to see our plans for WebFlake! :) Could it just be theme based? Our site the signatures pop right up fine. Page loads in 2-3 secs. The lag was caused even with the default theme. It's something we'll be working towards restoring in the near future.
    1 point
  11. The default theme looks a lot better than IPB 4's default theme, in my opinion. But I agree about the support part. They really need a better support team.
    1 point
    cool feature! why ipb hadn't include this
    1 point
  12. Version 3.4.x


    Hello everybody. Sorry for one screenshoot, becouse the forum is locked and i i'm too tired to upload files to my own host.
    -1 points
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