You don't need to; if a Member should have the same permissions as other groups, simply clone it and customize the color/icon. Maybe a Donator would be nice. You could think of perks such as no wait time for downloads, lift downloads limit, access to special forums, no wait time in between searches and so forth.
Ce faci măi copilaș , temele mele sunt făcute de tine ? Cât de ratat poți să fii ? Nu e bai am grijă și de tine cât de curând când am să te fac de rahat pe tot internetul cu forumul tău vai de mama lui plin de buguri. This skin is made by me Sebastian C. not by you stupid kid . First of all , this is skin is Aimers # GREEN made for Aimers Community , this kid downloaded from the website where i uploaded it and just change 1 color . Another example of stupid kid from Romania , a country where you can see all of this shit everywhere.