Hello the people! I swear to Thoth I'm just your extra ordinary British guy... Nothing norma- STRANGE about me! :x I'm a content creator, video, blogs, products.. I do a bit of everything and recently I decided I wanted a website.. But didn't really want a website made around a small area, like I wanted to pick a focus that didn't get much attention and I found that the very idea of content creation doesn't get much love community wise, there isn't many websites for it, and the ones you get like DeviantArt, FanFiction.net ( -Badly written porn- ), Wattpad are all nice but to me look outdated and only tend to cater to one specific type of content. And while usually I understand the idea that sometimes less is more, I think a website and community where people can check out all sorts of content and learn about all types of content as well as other odds here and there stuff sounds like an interesting idea.. So that's what I'm doing... ^~^