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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/17/2015 in all areas

  1. 613 downloads

    Nerva is a beautiful theme of IPS, it cost $25 and I will share free ! The theme is easily changed in the admin panel ! Demo -> http://ipbforo.com/demos/skins.php?theme=Nerva
    1 point
  2. Are your permissions set correctly?
    1 point
  3. Is awesome, but the theme is minecraft... The fire is not good icon to the forums... I think ^^'...
    1 point
  4. @Sanctuary, Thank you very much, this was exactly what i was looking for. Even if you can't use this straight from css, it's not a problem to merge them together with css. What i mean is use image through template and the rest of the styles through css. BTW, just now with a fresh mind i found another way to include the source of the image through css. Its quite simple, use : ../../yourfolder/image.png this way you dont need any tags to show directory, so there is no need to use inline css. How this works? By doing ../ you will move down by one directory. So originally css ipb_style is in style_css folder, and another folder where you find actual file. So by going down by 2 folders you end up in public folder where than you can create your own folder and simply show it in css.
    1 point
  5. It's not possible to export a hook with images. What people usually do when the hook they use requires images is the create a folder named "upload", and then create the folder path leading to the image. For example: Create a folder to zip up your IPB hook, and put the .XML file in that folder. Then, in the same folder, create a folder named "upload". Inside upload, create a folder named public. Inside public, create a folder named style_extra. Inside style_extra, create a folder named your_folder (change it to whatever you want). And then inside your_folder, upload the images you want to use. This also works for javascript files. And then the code you'd be using is: <img src="{$this->settings['board_url']}/public/style_extra/your_folder/image.png" alt="" /> Note: You can't use {$this->settings['board_url']} in your CSS, so if you're trying to use it in your CSS, you'll have to either: A) Use the style_images method instead of style_extra B) Use inline CSS in your templates, such as this: <style type="text/css"> .test { background: url({$this->settings['board_url']}/public/style_extra/your_folder/image.png); width: 100px; height: 100px; } </style> <div class="test"></div> Hope this helps.
    1 point
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Aktolia it's a very interesting skin which is perfect to community about... everything. Why? Because included slider allows you to diametrically change of your page. In addition to that the proffesional design and included modyfications such as: new topic view or generate topic icon system make, that your webpage will be very unique. Check on live (demo)
    1 point
  7. Version 1.1.0


    [b]Description:[/b] Replace your dull one logo setup with a random logo, showing as many logos as you want randomly.
    1 point
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