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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2015 in all areas

  1. Ok fine i added some anti pony buttons
    -1 points
  2. Don't you guys think status updates are way too hidden in IPS4? I want the post button back on the dropdown or on the sidebar hook. Makes no sense to only have it here :(
    -1 points
  3. -1 points
  4. -1 points
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Here's the Animate Skin from ipsFocus. I've tested it on IPS and it is fully functional. Please note this skin does not function on 4.1.X ! If used it might result in 500 Errors. Be patient, ipsfocus has released Villain for 4.1 just a few days ago. The second file adds a darker editor to correspond with dark IPS skins. How to install: Upload ipsfocus_dark to /applications/core/interface/ckeditor/skinsVisit ACP > Customization > Themes > Press "Edit"Scroll down to CKEditor Theme and choose ipsfocus_darkUpdate: To anyone experiencing issues with the skin, make sure you set it up correctly! I am not experiencing any issues on If you happen to have a problem, try to update to the said build, thank you.
    -1 points
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