the sidebar is in the frontend all at left is just a little cross to clic and choose you block, perhaps next time you need learn new fontion become update because is the biggest new of IPB4 .....
Here's the Animate Skin from ipsFocus. I've tested it on IPS and it is fully functional. Please note this skin does not function on 4.1.X ! If used it might result in 500 Errors. Be patient, ipsfocus has released Villain for 4.1 just a few days ago. The second file adds a darker editor to correspond with dark IPS skins. How to install: Upload ipsfocus_dark to /applications/core/interface/ckeditor/skinsVisit ACP > Customization > Themes > Press "Edit"Scroll down to CKEditor Theme and choose ipsfocus_darkUpdate: To anyone experiencing issues with the skin, make sure you set it up correctly! I am not experiencing any issues on If you happen to have a problem, try to update to the said build, thank you.
@modoprueba log in, and look to the left: you will see a box with an arrow that looks something like this
Once you click it, the block management menu will slide out and you'll be able to position the blocks on your forum
I'm experiencing this issue as well; it's actually the reason why I signed up. I looked everywhere in the ACP for a setting to turn on, or a hook to install, but found absolutely nothing. When I go to the plugins page, it says that I don't have any plugins installed. If anyone here could redirect me to a plugin that I need to install, I'd greatly appreciate it. Note: My IPB installation is nulled, and it's not from here.
About This FileWill let users to see Notifications, new Message and new Reports count without refreshing the page How To InstallTo install you just need upload XML file (Admin CP > System > Site Features > Plugins > Install) Fork on Github Important None: This plugin can cause performance problem especially in large communitis, in this case you may increase Ajax Interval in the plugin setting