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    Cookie Monster


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2015 in all areas

  1. You need to have at least 15 posts in order to be able to post in any of the request sections of the forum, including the resource requests one.
    2 points
  2. Version 1.2.0


    Pandora is a fresh, clean skin. It utilizes IPS 4.0's skin editing tools for its coloring and provides a modern-looking interface to your community. A demo can be viewed on my personal community website here: http://www.xivpandora.com/forums/ Currently, the skin does not work with left-aligned sidebar configurations. I will be looking into fixing this in future versions. Apologies for any inconvenience this causes.
    1 point
  3. My pleasure. Enjoy: @Scorpion
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Well, after that being said, I will recommend you to start reading our community guidelines. You will find them here: http://webflake.sx/announcement/3-•-webflake-community-rules-amp-guidelines-•/.
    1 point
  6. As there is no other answer possible to give to solve your question, I'm locking this thread. If you have any more questions, don't be afraid to open a new thread.
    1 point
  7. once you are in the cometchat dashboard is it set to online. in the Cometchat dashboard i did the following to test. Cometchat > Dashboard > Themes > Set Lite That worked for me.
    1 point
  8. I have mine working make sure you also enter the install and admin panel after this. Should be /me/cometchat/adminor /me/cometchat/install
    1 point
  9. nothing showing when i search on that box forumIndex i would attach my template xml file and tell where its possible me.xml
    1 point
  10. sorry i dont know well ips4 . couldn't find it can you explain it more.. where was forum Index Template location please help any one
    1 point
  11. Chrome is my main go-to browser, even though I sometimes find myself using Firefox, either due to Chrome being absurdly memory hungry, or Firefox working better with certain extensions.
    1 point
  12. 67 downloads

    PixelatedHosting.org Skin RIP Good HTML Hosting Template
    1 point
  13. Version 2.0.0


    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font='PT Sans', 'Trebuchet MS', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(253,253,253)]This mod helps admins to check, repair and optimize all the tables of the forum monthly.[/background][/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font='PT Sans', 'Trebuchet MS', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(253,253,253)]Features:[/background][/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font='PT Sans', 'Trebuchet MS', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(253,253,253)]Enable / Disable the task[/background][/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font='PT Sans', 'Trebuchet MS', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(253,253,253)]Select how deep the tables check should be (SQL server default, Fast, Medium or Deep)[/background][/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font='PT Sans', 'Trebuchet MS', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(253,253,253)]Turn off the board while the task is running[/background][/size][/font][/color] [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font='PT Sans', 'Trebuchet MS', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(253,253,253)]Set a customized message for Board Offline while the task is running (the old offline message is retained!)[/background][/size][/font][/color]
    1 point
  14. no one doing free here you need to pay something for this, if you agree then pm me i can do for you.
    -1 points
  15. nothing is impossible in coding you can set with session using htaccess try in google for more help.
    -1 points
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