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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2015 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone, My name is John. I am very glad I found this forum. Thank you to the creators!
    1 point
  2. Hi WebFlakians, As some of you may have noticed, there has been a few changes to the staff team in the last few days. It is with deep regret that both Davlin and his wife Preeti, as well as Hidden Ninja have retired from their roles due to personal reasons and we wish them luck in their future endeavours and welcome them all with open arms should they ever wish to become active again and find the time for WebFlake. Now onto some good news. Please congratulate Stake on his promotion to Moderator after completing his trial period as a Junior Moderator. Stake has had a massive positive impact on WebFlakes moderation and expect him to continue doing a brilliant job in his new rank. Over the last couple of weeks, We have noticed an increasing level of interest in our Junior Moderator programme. Over the next couple of weeks we will be looking into how many additions to the staff team would be suitable and open the staff applications soon after. With that being said, we will be spending this time looking for possible candidates for our programme which will significantly help your application. Please spend the time to give our members of staff a congratulations and a farewell to our departing staff members. Thanks, WebFlake Team
    1 point
  3. Sad to see some of our best staff members departing us, good luck in the future. Congrats to Stake too, i'm sure you'll continue doing a great job. Nice post Phun.. seems familiar though.. as if I just wrote it or something.. ;)
    1 point
  4. IPB for sure. IPB is sleek, and professional. It easily allows you to customize your community in to anything you want, with tons of room for customization. I'll be using IPB for many years to come.
    1 point
  5. Version 1.4.2


    [b]Shoutbox [/b]is a feature-rich Shoutbox system for your IP.Board. Shoutbox will enable your users to send shouts to each other and allow others can read them. Your very own micro-blogging system, without the need for Java, Flash or any other browser dependency! [b]Compatibility[/b]: IP.Board 3.4.x - Yes IP.Board 3.3.x - Yes
    1 point
  6. Welcome, John, (back) to WebFlake! Be sure to look around and ask questions, get support and interact with the rest of the community! ;) Enjoy your stay ^_^
    0 points
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