In first, download the plugin if you want online indicator show on the profil user in the topics :
Now, go in your ACP ---> Customization ---> Themes
Click on "</>" for edit the HTML and CSS
On the CSS tab, open the custom.css and add this :
/* Online indicator - change color and size */
.ipsOnlineStatus, .ipsOnlineStatus_online {
color: #249168;
font-size: 13px;
Save it.
Example :
Dispersion features an animated gradient background image which is randomized on each page load and overlayed by an image of your choice. The gradient is both created and animated (in compatible browsers) using css and your visitors are given the option of using a greyscale background by clicking a simple toggle button. The header collapses on-scroll, and stays at the top of the screen for easy access.
You can find the demo for the skin [url=""]here[/url].
Brave is a dark IPB skin perfect for gaming sites or clan communities. The skin comes with a customizable header, allowing your members to choose from a range of images to use in the banner.
Thanks for the help ♥ But i already searched for alot of threads of these types but none of them where helping and no one says delete from "'registerCoppaStart" anyway thank you Why aren't you marking the answer as best answer. :|
I think I'm missing a step... my status won't display in my view.
In my record view I did this: {{if $row->fieldValues()['field_6'] == '38'}} . 38 is this: do=form&id=38 and my display for statuses:
{{if intval( $formValue ) === 1}}
<span class='c4StatusBadge c4StatusBadge_upNext'>{$value}</span>
{{elseif intval( $formValue ) === 2}}
<span class='c4StatusBadge c4StatusBadge_comingSoon'>{$value}</span>
{{elseif intval( $formValue ) === 3}}
<span class='c4StatusBadge c4StatusBadge_future'>{$value}</span>
{{elseif intval( $formValue ) === 4}}
<span class='c4StatusBadge c4StatusBadge_done'>{$value}</span>
The only thing I'm having trouble understanding is 'field_6' -> Not sure what to change field_6 to?
[b][color=#ff0000]Be aware that this is a beta release[/color][/b]
[size=6]Build powerful webpages using community data[/size]
[i]IP.Content is a content management application for the IPS Community Suite [/i]
[i]that enables you to build websites with ease that pull in all kinds of data,[/i]
[i]from your community and the wider web.[/i]