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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/2015 in all areas

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Staff edit: This does NOT work on ANY 4.1 version of IPB. It was made for 4.0! Simplistic, minimal yet professional IPS4 Theme for your website.
    2 points
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Seperated these icons myself, if you can do it better, go ahead :P Don't mind the names I gave the emoticons, I dont have much inspiration. Feel free to use this button:
    2 points
  3. This is how to make an IPB Feature Plan. Please note that this is not a RIP of WebFlake's or IPS', this is my own version, so if you find any variations that is why. If you find any bugs, please comment them below. I will not attempt to fix them, but if someone comments a fix for a bug, I will edit it into this tutorial. Requirements: Pages Application (can be found in WF's copy of IPS 4.x).Basic Knowledge of PHP.A knowledge of the Pages application.Go into your ACP > Pages > Databases. Click Create New to create a new Database. http://i.imgur.com/5a1x5sq.pngA pop-up will appear. Make sure you are on the Create New Database and click Next.Make the name of your Database whatever you'd like, I suggest Feature Plan.Make the settings exactly as shown in the picture. http://i.imgur.com/sVFJp6O.png. It's very important to have your Use categories settings set to No.Once you've created your database head over to the Templates section. ACP > Pages > Templates (http://i.imgur.com/kDmY5SH.png) Read carefully from here on because it can be a little tricky if you miss a step.Once you are inside the Templates section click New > Add database template. Here's where you have to be careful and follow my instructions exactly.You will get a pop-up presenting you with a few options. Fill in the options exactly as show in the picture. http://i.imgur.com/b3WOsiU.pngUnder the HTML tab you should see a new folder called Plan with 5 different templates under it.Paste the code provided below in the appropriate template.recordRow: http://pastebin.com/M3GxdMtkfilterMessage: http://pastebin.com/2zjxQ6B2categoryTable: http://pastebin.com/ZF63gtrQcategoryHeader: http://pastebin.com/rSpLb2CxcategoryFooter: http://pastebin.com/UeJtv1T6Inside the categoryHeader template you should see some non-code text. You can edit that code to change the Title and Subtitle at the top of your Feature Plan.Inside of the recordRow template search for{{if $row->fieldValues()['field_19']Keep that tab open and open a new tab inside of Pages in the ACP. http://i.imgur.com/pPMVVxs.png Click in the fields section of the Feature Plan database. You should see the Status section. Click on the pencil to edit the database. Open notepad or some other text editor. Paste in the URL of the page you just opened. At the end you should see something like do=form&id=19. You need the number at the end of the URL. Mine happens to be 19. Yours might be 125 or it might be 4. Move back to the tab you have open where you located {{if $row->fieldValues()['field_19']inside of the recordRow template. Change field_19 to field_YOURNUMBERHERE. Obviously filling in YOURNUMBERHERE with the number at the end of the URL you copied into a text editor.Inside the ACP go to Pages > Pages. http://i.imgur.com/DRvnNXI.pngClick New Page and choose Page Builder for the Content Editor option. Click next.Make the pages name what you choose. I recommend simply Feature Plan. Go to the menu tab at the top and click add to menu. Leave those settings as is and click save.Navigate to the index page of your forums. The homepage. Click on Feature Plan in the navigation bar. Or whatever you named it.In the left you should see a little arrow peaking out. Click it.Click the arrow on Pages and drag the Database option onto the page wherever you'd like.Click the edit button on the Database module and choose the Feature Plan database.Click finish editing.Go to the Fields area of the Feature Plan database. Make a field called Summary. Make your settings exactly like this > http://gyazo.com/6143d472c4d98d8f1081549904f86449 and http://gyazo.com/7ea23135b68960bcfa498cb44ca03949Make another field called Status. Settings like this > http://gyazo.com/911306ba613c285c5af2ef423e7eb00c and http://gyazo.com/62d10796a176d03a36a2ba4ff42b023c{{if intval( $formValue ) === 1}} <span class='c4StatusBadge c4StatusBadge_upNext'>{$value}</span> {{elseif intval( $formValue ) === 2}} <span class='c4StatusBadge c4StatusBadge_comingSoon'>{$value}</span> {{elseif intval( $formValue ) === 3}} <span class='c4StatusBadge c4StatusBadge_future'>{$value}</span> {{elseif intval( $formValue ) === 4}} <span class='c4StatusBadge c4StatusBadge_done'>{$value}</span> {{endif}}Also this: http://gyazo.com/f309c9cc35833a70ff37dcbd4d397d6f So there you go. That's my interpretation of the Feature Plan. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and it helped you. If I helped you out or you have a question, please drop a comment below. @unlucky4ever A special thank you for figuring out the reputation code. TO FIX THE ERROR WITH DISPLAYING STATUSES In Feature Plan > Fields, Navigate to Status > Edit > Display Options and Change the Template Key from status to status2. Thanks to @otecko for this fix.
    1 point
  4. Version 1.0.1


    [color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Adds support for audio files from [/size][/font][/color][url="http://soundcloud.com/"]Soundcloud[/url][color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] into the built-in IP.Board [media] bbcode.[/size][/font][/color]
    1 point
  5. Version 1.0


    A simple & elegant white skin. I come back with a dark version xD. [url="http://jsfiddle.net/UR7Pq/"]Live demo of skin[/url]
    1 point
    How to install this: Upload to your ips directoryUnzipMake sure all the files are in the map cometchat and this map is in the root of your ips installthan go to http://yoursite.com/cometchat/install.phpcopy the integration code and paste it into the head of your theme!To edit the settings of the app and got to http://yoursite.com/cometchat/admin/Standard password and login cometchatSo this is not the usual ips application installation but it uses the database of ips installation to retrieve members and members online Fixed the member tables bug!
    1 point
  6. I'd say it depends on what background it's going to or what page it'll be on but I'll probably have to say the flare.
    1 point
  7. Thank You for your extremely valuable contribution.
    1 point
  8. Version 1.1


    [color=rgb(0,0,0)][font=verdana][size=3][background=rgb(253,253,254)]Logo text can be edit with the PSD downloaded.. also these badges logo and forum levels are pretty cool for a gaming forum would go great. enjoy the badges,logo and forum levels[/background][/size][/font][/color]
    1 point
    Doesn't work ! IPB application is .tar not .zip Edit : Table 'mydb.ipb_members' doesn't exist
    0 points
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