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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/2015 in all areas

  1. First and foremost, on behalf of the entire team, we'd like to thank you for your patience and apologize for any inconvenience in our extended downtime. We have worked diligently to get the site back online as expediently as possible and hope that you'll continue to afford us that same patience as we continue updating and making adjustments to the site. Please be aware that there may have been oversight. If you find a discrepancy with previous permissions or any other bug on the site, please submit a bug report via our tracker. If you feel we are missing a feature (and I know we're missing a handful!), you're welcome to submit a suggestion using the same tracker, just select Suggestion as the Type before submitting the report. You can also find a mostly complete list of updates/changes to our website located at our new Update Notes hub. Rather than expecting you to sift through our Announcements forum, we will centralize our update notes in one convenient location. If you have submit a file on the site and have access to do so, please edit your file and correct any leftover BBCode. You'd be doing us a huge favor! Remember that some parts of the site may not be complete or entirely functional. Please report any and all bugs you encounter, especially those that are harmful to the site or its overall integrity (i.e. permissions you shouldn't have or significant glitches).We're aware that we are using a default skin. We have plans to put together a custom design in the near future but you'll simply need to tolerate the default design in the meantime.
    3 points
  2. I took a small break from the IPB community (this includes Webflake) to see to my surprise we upgraded to 4.x. I'm very happy to see we're advancing in time with Webflake's software and I wish the team the best of luck with getting it like, if not better, than the old Webflake. You guys are doing an absolute great job.
    1 point
  3. ​yes, its in settings
    1 point
  4. ​This is up to WF staff team. If they decide to change it they will if not then sorry you have to stick with it. Also there was a "poll" in the shoutbox about this like three days ago and majority chose the round avatars over square.
    1 point
  5. ​try using this instead http://webflake.sx/topic/14795-add-a-background-image-to-the-header/
    1 point
  6. Had the best sleepover
    1 point
  7. Version 3.1.1


    [HQ] Awards 3.1.1 newest version
    1 point
  8. Forum is looking great! Nice update Davlin WebFlake will grow more
    -1 points
  9. I actually forgot about this board, looks a lot better than before though. Good work man.
    -1 points
  10. Love the new design..., I'm glad to see the nice theme...
    -1 points
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