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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2015 in all areas

  1. IP.Content is to add extra html (Php,css) content to your board, I'm not sure if you need that. To add new shortcuts on top of your forum Look & Feel > Manage Skins > Manage Template & CSS (on the skin you want) > GlobalTemplate Here, depending on your skin, there should be a code <div id='primary_nav' class='clearfix'> <ul class='ipsList_inline' id='community_app_menu'> This is where all the top menus are starting, you should see a bunch of different things. But below this <if test="showhomeurl:|:$this->settings['home_url'] AND $this->settings['home_name']"> <li id='nav_home' class='left'><a href='{$this->settings['home_url']}' title='{$this->lang->words['homepage_title']}' rel="home">{$this->settings['home_name']}</a></li> </if> You can add something like <li class='right'><a href='url_here'>Something</a> </li> It should give what you want i suppose. If you have a dropdown menu like you said in your first post, you can add stuff to it by adding a the same code, but in the correct <ul>
    1 point
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