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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2015 in all areas

  1. Please congratulate Kingy on his promotion to Head Moderator! Kingy has been with us for some time now, obviously, and I'd like to surround Phun and I with people we can trust with important roles. Kingy will now split duties and responsibilities with TJKeeran going forward. I'm excited for this promotion; can never have enough depth at any position! Sports analogies aside, be sure to give Kingy the warm welcome he deserves with this promotion.
    2 points
  2. Okay, I struggled for about an hour or so getting this to work properly. All the tutorials I found on the net were somewhat outdated since Facebook updated the way they have their app setup now. I figured to save others the frustration, I would post how I got mine to work! The steps are as follows (I will try to make them the most accurate and easiest way possible)! I have also included images to help those who like visual instructions in the spoiler tags below each step! You will need to be logged in to both your Facebook account and your IP.Board's Admin Control Panel (Duh, lol) Go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps/ and click the "Create New App" button. Now, in "Display Name" enter what you want it to be named. The best thing is just the name of your website. Then select a category (I chose Entertainment) and then click the "Create App" button. You will need to also enter a captcha when you do. Just make sure you type the characters correctly (although if you have been on the internet for longer than a minute, I am sure you are used to captchas ) In the sidebar on the left hand side, click on "Settings". Now enter an email address for the contact email (this is required). You can use the same email address as your Facebook profile or the admin email you used for your IP.Board. It is up to you! Click the "Save Changes." button. Next, click the "Add Platform" button and click "Website". Now input the URL that you use for your board into the "Site URL" textbox. (This includes the subdomain if it is in one.) - Click the "Save Changes" button. Now, in the sidebar click on "App Details" and scroll down till you see the "Configure App Center Permissions" button. Click on it. Next, where it says "Auth Token Parameter" click the dropdown and select the "URI Fragment (#access_token=...)" option. Now where it says "App Center Permission", enter in the following permissions (it will bring up selectable things as you type so when you are typing, if you see it listing below as you type, click on it.): email, read_stream, publish_actions. Click the "Save" button. Next, click back on "Settings" in the left sidebar and click on the "Advanced" tab. Find the section "Deauthorize Callback URL". In the textbox for Deauthorize Callback URL you will be using this URL, tailored to your boards url: http://your-board-url.com/interface/facebook/index.php When you are finished click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the page! Next, click on the "Status & Review" button in the left sidebar, and click the little toggle button next to "Do you want to make this app and all its live features available to the general public?" to enable the App to be activated. This will bring up a dialog box asking if you want to make it public. Click the "Confirm" button. Now, login and go to your IP.Board's Admin Control Panel. Under the "Application & Modules" category on the left sidebar, click "Community Enhancements". Then, click on "Facebook". This step will be pretty long (long-ish) but here goes. Go back to your facebook app stuff and click the "Dashboard" button in the left side Sidebar. You will see some stuff that says "App ID" and "App Secret" click the "Show" button next to App Secret to display it. You are going to copy both these fields into their appropriate equivalent textbox fields in the Facebook settings stuff we just opened in IP.Board. (e.g. copy App ID into Application ID, Secret into Secret key). Keep all the other settings the way they are on the IP.Board side and click the "Save" button. NOTE: If you keep the 'Facebook "Real name/Display name" handling' option as "Allow User's Choice" you MUST have the setting to let users choose display names ON. (This can be found and edited in System Settings -> "Members" tab -> Username Restrictions -> Display Name Restrictions -> Allow display names) Now go into the register or login pages on your board (you must be logged out of your admin account but still logged into facebook, obviously ) and test to see if it works. If it does, it will open facebook and ask if you want to have the app gain access to your info (email and profile info used for registration). And if you follow the prompts accordingly, you will be linked back to your forums with the option to use the Facebook login to create a new forum account or link it to an already existing one! That's it! You have successfully setup the Facebook login/registering feature on your board! Congrats! All these steps worked on my end, doing it twice, both succeeding. If it worked for you, let me know. If it doesn't work, also let me know and we can troubleshoot. If you liked this post and thought it was helpful, a nice PM or message is always appreciated as well as voting this post up to help out my Rep. Cheers!
    1 point
  3. Congratulations and keep your good work always
    1 point
  4. Congratulations, welcome aboard the VIP Flake train!
    1 point
  5. could you share more information about this addon? maybe a demo could be usefull :D
    1 point
  6. ^^^^^^ Yup and no, used that on a main page once, if the server is off the request (so the loading of the page) will be kinda delayed until the ping drops and sends back the answer
    1 point
  7. I'm not sure, I've tested it, but is it worth upgrading your platform yet? There's not a lot of mods, and even less skins so idk, should I wait ?
    1 point
  8. This is what i use. <?php $config = array( $gameport = XXX, $ip = "X.X.X.X"); echo $sock = @fsockopen($ip, $gameport) ? "Server Status:&nbsp;<font color="#39f000"><b><img src='online.png' style='height:30px; width:30px;'/>Online</b></font>" : "Server Status: <font color="#ff0000"><b>Offline</b></font>"; @fclose($sock); ?>
    1 point
  9. It has been discussed internally on many occasions and for now we have decided that we will stay on IPB 3.x. We will reassess the situation in the future. Locked.
    1 point
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