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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2015 in all areas

  1. Please no. There is a hell of a theory to go behind Logo's. People who believe what you said are whats wrong with this world.
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. ok, which version of IPB? Ok, you should just create a php block, best thing to use would be using the application portal which is available for IPb 3 and 4, or if it's 3.x.x branch you could use (e32 Custom sidebar blocks) plugin for same results, and then you wouldn't need to add all the wrapping or the separate php files as it has the option to include that in the creation of a php block. IP Board won't let you just throw php anywhere in it's page but allows these mods to so they're your best option. You also would not need to separate the files, as you could edit the block from with portal settings in the acp. This way you can create a block and give it's header "video of the moment" and then just add the code to the block and save.. <iframe width="95%" height="95%" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/PhPSS8u5qHg?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    1 point
  4. You couild try just echo 'hello'; since the php header is already set. Also your news.php and video.php files should not be trying to set a header that ipb is already setting also, that ambigious and will cause issues Also if you were wanting a youtube video you could just make an array of videos that read from an array that user could add to...the portal application allows php blocks. Example..this is just random youtube videos onload from a array of video ids (but you could read them from a database. <?php $yids = array( "hkPkz72ddJ0", "ZSvRjLOp08o", "O_j9uKBmUEk", "N4ony2r0QFs", "k5k-DphstxE", "N4ony2r0QFs", "jE785LNs2Nk", "c-_buBIfShs", "BzclS_TIDGk", "hg3eFbYag9E", "79xjgsBzFcE", "tHQiYPiNVEE", "zZfXF6uB3nQ", "xe1LrMqURuw", "QfOZWGLT1JM", "o4ZnwrpQTK4", "J4ls3xtcP1A", "ngElkyQ6Rhs", "W4D7TG-Vup4"); $video = rand(0, count($yids)-1); echo '<iframe width="100%" height="150" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/' . $yids[$video] . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'; ?> You could do the same with a new block, either reading it from a news row and column from the database, that staff could edit and remove via a form like ninja suggested. You could also have a new thread and use the rss block available already to read from your rss feed. Using ftp to do something so minimal will cause you issues. Also when using forms, do not declare global variables when submitting post or get data, make sure to filter all data through filter_input() or trim() to prevent sql injection. You also should show us your news.php and video.php , as they seem to be causing issues and what path they're in.
    1 point
  5. ah ok thanks for clarification mate i found it strange how u said u uninstalled the reputation system so that clarified alot for me and well try my solution see if it helps also went and experiment with the userinfopane to get the 1st question and found solution go to userinfopane in the Global Template look for <if test="authorwarn:|:$author['show_warn']"> paste the code below before code above ^ <span class="reputation1"><p class="repstyle"><img src="http://i61.tinypic.com/e87k15.png" style="padding-bottom: 2px;" />&nbsp<b>{parse expression="$this->lang->formatNumber( intval( $author['pp_reputation_points'] ) )"}</b></p></span> </p> followed with <style> .repstyle { color:#8db13e; } </style> i placed my style code after the </div> result is forgot to mention but after u enable back the Reputation System look at the Reputation type setting and select Like System (Positive rep only; visible names) in the drop down
    1 point
  6. u uninstalled the IP.Board reputation system? How in the world did u do that? that setting is part of the core application u cant uninstall it as far as i know, so what u are saying is that u deleted the setting from System Settings > Members > Reputation System ? considering i dont understand what u mean by "uninstall" i will skip that and just tell you how to undo what you did in the second question enter Developers Mode u will need to edit conf_global.php in the FTP and change define('IN_DEV', 0); to define('IN_DEV', 1); afterwards go in ACP and undo the Hide from Main Settings? thing u did and DO NOT DO ANYTHING ELSE IN DEVELOPERS MODE u will see a whole set of new settings but yeah u interfere with things u dont know u can risk doing more then just hiding a setting and considering u just hid a setting without thinking about it well cant say u can trust urself once its enabled, anyway after u unhide the setting u immediately take off Developers Mode
    1 point
  7. I hope you can upload version 1.1.3!
    1 point
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