Thank you for the down-vote.
Chameleon was released in July of 2014, which means there is no version that supports forum software older than 3.4.x. The copyright not displaying would be the least of his concerns if he was using a skin designed for 3.4.x on a 3.3.x forum. Furthermore, the IPS Copyright setting has always been available in the software, meaning it isn't possible that this is related to him using an older version of the software.
If the copyright is missing, either he purposefully removed it and should know what he did to correct that, or he downloaded an improperly nulled copy of the software from some third-party provider (instead of from WebFlake as he should have) and must now find a way to fix the problem created by someone else. The fact that he doesn't see an IPS Copyright setting pretty much confirms my suspicions as a lot of wannabe "nullers" have a tendency for removing anything related to copyright.
But please, feel free to down-vote again without doing 2+2.