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  1. Kingy


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  2. Thorn



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  3. Sharpienero



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2015 in all areas

  1. For that, it would be better not to do it in my opinion. It's good training for your moderators, and all they have to do it check mark it > select to leave a copy > move the topic. You could do this but you're talking a lot of custom PHP coding here, wouldn't be easy. Again a ton of work would need to be put into this, and I know no PHP so I can't help. However, I do know PHP would be needed to do this. As for your final question about upgrading users I feel the best way to do this is get your dedi to contact your site's DB and grab all members from the specific group and add them to VIP. This would probably be done with MySQL I believe. You could also go about it by running a custom PHP file, once again, after they donate. Overall, a ton of work would need to go into this and there's no easy way into it. Your cheapest bet is to just get more moderators that moderate constantly, but you could find and pay a PHP developer experienced with IPB to make all these additions for you, but it would most likely be expensive.
    2 points
  2. Try Editor Themes by IPS Themes 1.0.1
    1 point
  3. We don't actually have a set criteria on how many downloads you need to submit. Our only other 'Uploader' is -Cookie- who has over 130 files however didn't have that amount when awarded the rank. As long as you continue to upload high quality clean files with the correct information and pictures then I'm sure you'll earn the rank within no time. Feel free to apply for the rank when you feel like it and we will consider you for the role for the future. Thanks, Kingy
    1 point
  4. Hey there! Downloads will be approved as soon as possible as we have to manually check and approve each file before accepting it. As to your second question, donators unfortunately do not get any special perks regarding file uploads being accepted without approval as we see it as our duty to ensure each file is clean and correct before being available to download however we do have an 'Uploader' rank which effectively passes through the download system without being approved however this is only for trusted members who have a history of clean uploads. This can be applied for here (http://webflake.sx/index.php?app=groupjoin) when you think you are ready. Thanks.
    1 point
  5. I figured as much. Thanks for your input, Thorn. I've decided that I'm just going to let my moderators continue to do their job. Solved.
    1 point
  6. I've figured it out. Thanks anyway! Admins/moderators can close this now.
    1 point
  7. It would be done by adding the "float: left;" styling to the labels and "float: right;" to the amounts. You would also need the "display:inline-block;" and 100% width effects to the parenting <li> tag. This CSS should do the trick: div.author_info > .user_details > ul.custom_fields li { width: 100%!important; display: inline-block!important; } div.author_info > .user_details > ul.custom_fields li > .ft { float: left!important; } div.author_info > .user_details > ul.custom_fields li > .fc { float: right!important; } You may need to mess with the margin to get it perfectly aligned, but that code should do the trick. Just add it anywhere in your ipb_styles.css template.
    1 point
  8. Hey! Thanks for joining WebFlake! I must say I am a fan of your profile picture! I'm sure you will be a very valuable and helpful member with your skills and file uploads. If you're in need of anything then feel free to contact me. Kingy
    1 point
  9. If you would like to protect certain usergroups from being warned then go to: System Settings > Warning and Moderation and highlight the groups you would like protecting. If you want to remove "0 Warning Points" from your picture and would like to keep the warning system but hide the display of warning points on the userinfopane then you will have to simply delete the line of coding.
    1 point
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