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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2015 in all areas

  1. Hi this is my first tutorial how you can do that: Step 1. Admin CP -> Look & Feel -> Select Template -> Other Global Templates -> Other Global Templates -> repButtons REPLACE ALL CODE Step 2. Admin CP -> Look & Feel -> Select Template -> Other Global Templates -> Other Global Templates -> repMoreDialogue Step 3. Admin CP -> Look & Feel -> Select Template -> Other Global Templates -> Other Global Templates -> reputationPopup Step 4. Admin CP -> Look & Feel -> Select Template ->CSS -> ipb_styles And upload images to your skin: http://gamewar.eu/public/style_images/carbon/rep_up.png http://gamewar.eu/public/style_images/carbon/rep_down.png
    1 point
  2. Thanks, @Chris for a fantastic design! I appreciate the contribution as well, @proben! This request has been filled. The topic has been closed and moved. If you have further requests please open another topic, thank you.
    1 point
  3. A work in progress currently for a new IPB Theme. Gonna be pretty innovative. (I haven't yet designed said "innovative" aspects yet) And for those who may be asking "Where's the username?!" Well, the username will be displayed when you hover on the avatar, in the same style as the "Click to Change Style" area, and when you click, this dropdown (or right? haha) appears. Hoping to get this coded and sell it. Been working on this for a very large amount of time, will be easily the most worked on design of mine haha.
    -1 points
  4. Hello, Today I will be posting to show you how you can make usernames on your forum flash in a "Rainbow" fashion. This does not require "advanced" knowledge, just access to the Look & Feel section of your community's ACP. Let's begin. Firstly, you are going to navigate to ACP > Look & Feel > Your Skin > globalTemplate This piece of code is to be inserted towards the bottom of the script. For example, you could place it just above where you see something relevant to <!-- ::: Footer ::: --> <script> var speed=80 var hex=new Array("00","14","28","3C","50","64","78","8C","A0","B4","C8","DC","F0") var r=1 var g=1 var b=1 var seq=1 function changetext(){ for(i=0;i<document.getElementsByName("Rainbow").length;i++){ var storetext=document.getElementById? document.getElementsByName("Rainbow")[i] : document.all.highlight rainbow="#"+hex[r]+hex[g]+hex[b] storetext.style.color=rainbow } } function change(){ if (seq==6){ b-- if (b==0) seq=1 } if (seq==5){ r++ if (r==12) seq=6 } if (seq==4){ g-- if (g==0) seq=5 } if (seq==3){ b++ if (b==12) seq=4 } if (seq==2){ r-- if (r==0) seq=3 } if (seq==1){ g++ if (g==12) seq=2 } changetext() } function starteffect(){ if (document.all||document.getElementById) flash=setInterval("change()",speed) } starteffect() </script>After you have inserted the code, you may save your changes. Now, we will navigate from within the ACP to Members > Member Groups > Manage Member Groups > Click on the group you wish to have the rainbow effect For the group prefix, you are going to enter the following code <span name="Rainbow"> As for the group suffix, you are going to enter </span> Once you are done, press Complete Edit and you should be good to go. Things to note: *This will only work on groups that you add the prefix & suffix to *The rainbow will only show on skins that you add the script to *It does not matter exactly where you place the script, as long as it is there and does not interrupt other code.
    -1 points
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