[2/19] Expanded WP Support, Apps System, & more..
I'm excited to announce that we're expanding our WordPress support. You'll now find a new category dedicated entirely to WordPress, which includes the following boards:
Resolved Support Topics
Applications System
Gone are the days of applying for a Junior Moderator or Support Team role via threads. Gone are the days of Staff needing to hassle with internal discussion threads for each application. Now, users are welcome to apply via the new applications page. There may be prerequisites for the role you're applying for and if you do not meet the criteria, you will be informed of such an unable to apply. If you meet all requirements, you will be forwarded directly to the application itself, which will contain relevant information and the questions themselves. Currently, you can apply for Junior Moderator and Support Team. We will open up applications for Uploader at a later time.
NOTE: This system may have bugs, so please be sure to report them to us if you find any.
Filled Requests
We've been evaluating ways to remove clutter on the site, so we've opted to do away with the old "Filled Requests" board. Seemed awfully redundant when our users can simply search for the content they want and if it's not available, submit a request. These boards just didn't serve the same purpose as Resolved Topics do. All requests that are filled, will now be archived.
Veteran Group
We are removing the Veteran group and moving anyone in it back to Advanced Member. The reality is, WebFlake has far too much daily traffic to maintain any realistic hope of finding users who could live up to our expectations for a Veteran membership. We discussed merging Retired Staff into the Veteran group but we feel that Retired Staff have earned that distinction and it would be disrespectful of their service to the community to forego that title.