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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2015 in all areas

  1. As of today, WebFlake will no longer offer support for vBulletin. This includes content, tutorials, or actual support for the product. Over the years, vBulletin's development has waned and so has its following. An overwhelming majority of vBulletin fanatics are really just unfortunate souls who made the egregious decision to purchase multi-year licences from IB. For that, you have our sincerest apologies. Unfortunately, we have no need to continue having vBulletin consume space in the community when that space could be divvied up among other platforms. That being said, WebFlake will be moving to expand support on WordPress and general webmaster content (HTML, PHP, Java, etc) in conjunction with our current support of Invision Power Board and xenForo.
    1 point
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