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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2015 in all areas

  1. [2/9] Mentions, Awards and Skin Tweaks! Howdy WebFlakians! Hope everyone's had a great weekend. I'm checking in with a fresh batch of updates. Finetuning is pretty important to me and getting it just right is hard. Exploring options can be fun however, especially on forums where you can get almost realtime feedback from your users. Let's get to it Mentions Last year one of our members @Chris suggested we'd install the mentions hook and while i didn't do it back then, the idea has been used and we are now making use of the hook. We'll see how it works out, if it's unwanted we can always remove it. So use them mentions and tell us if you like it! Awards I'm in the process of adding some more awards to the site - i've already done a few - and change some of the older ones. They're a bit smaller now so you can fit more on the userpane in posts. I've been awarding myself some to test out how they would look. Check them out, aren't they shiny? Maybe i should keep them.. no.. no that'd be unfair. Alright i'll give them back soon. Got any ideas for awards? Post 'em in a reply here! Skin Tweaks Added some icons to the sidebar hooks to make them look fancy Awards cabinet is a bit better layed out now and stands out a bit more Removed the useless BBCodes button from the shoutbox Moved usertitles in the userInfoPane under the username instead of under the group badge Made the skin wider on screensizes < 1370px wide That's all folks, till next time
    1 point
  2. You need to check what the CSS properties of your logo/navbar are. They probably have the following properties: "position: fixed" and "z-index: some number here".
    1 point
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