Files are sometimes overlooked. We get a plethora of submissions daily, most of which tend to be duplicates. The file has been approved but in the future, please don't create topics regarding pending submissions. If there's a problem with your submission, rest assured, we'll contact you. If it sits in queue for a few days, the world won't come to a standstill -- don't worry.
This tutorial is how to prevent other users with admin powers to delete the main admin account (usually ID no.1) Open file: adminapplicationsmembersmodules_adminmembersmembers.phpFind: by pressing cntrl + f $ids = IPSLib::cleanIntArray( $ids ); Add above: if( in_array( 1, $ids ) ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = "Can't remove main admin account. Sorry."; $this->request['do'] = 'members_list'; $this->_memberList(); return; }the click save