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  1. Strimblaster



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2015 in all areas

  1. Hi this is my first tutorial how you can do that: Step 1. Admin CP -> Look & Feel -> Select Template -> Other Global Templates -> Other Global Templates -> repButtons REPLACE ALL CODE Step 2. Admin CP -> Look & Feel -> Select Template -> Other Global Templates -> Other Global Templates -> repMoreDialogue Step 3. Admin CP -> Look & Feel -> Select Template -> Other Global Templates -> Other Global Templates -> reputationPopup Step 4. Admin CP -> Look & Feel -> Select Template ->CSS -> ipb_styles And upload images to your skin: http://gamewar.eu/public/style_images/carbon/rep_up.png http://gamewar.eu/public/style_images/carbon/rep_down.png
    1 point
  2. While I won't censor the topic, let me state for the record that WebFlake will not allow open support for pornographic or otherwise lascivious material, regardless if you're just trying to obtain advice on software platforms. Any direct support given must be done off-site and on your own time. I'll allow you to solicit assistance with the site, but all details or any other discussion must be held via PM, Skype, your own website, etc. We might be stereotyped as "pirates" here, but we at least try to maintain some measure of class. It might be wise to have a look-see at our Community Guidelines. Saviour, as your response is within the confines of our guidelines, I'll allow it to stay. As mentioned already, further discussion needs to be taken to another form of communication.
    1 point
  3. Thanks for the awesome resources Did not know about these sites.
    1 point
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