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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2015 in all areas

  1. As of today, all submissions for the following categories must have a valid and current link to VirusTotal.com: WordPress themes and plugins HTML templates Website scripts (PHP, Java, etc) GFX (smileys, ranks/badges, other imagery) Any submission that does not have a valid and current VirusTotal.com link will automatically be deleted. Should this happen, you are welcome to obtain the necessary link and resubmit your content. Never used VirusTotal.com before? Don't worry, it's simple. Go to VirusTotal.com Select your file and click the blue Scan It! button (note: file size is limited to 128MB on VT) Your file may be entered into queue, just wait for a few moments Once the scan finishes, ensure that no viruses have been detected, then copy/paste the URL of that page into the required field in the file submission form here on WebFlake Please remember, the scan must be current. The analysis also includes a timestamp, which Staff will be able to see when reviewing your submission. We will still download and scan your file with our own discretionary tools, but your link to VirusTotal is our primary layer of security to protect us before we approve the file for the community. Q: Why aren't we required to do this for other software, such as IPB, xenForo, vBulletin, and MyBB? A: These products are not known to be targeted in this CryptoPHP chaos. We still scan content for these platforms. Q: Why are we being required to do this again? A: Please see my announcement regarding CryptoPHP injections, Q: Do I need to edit my previous file submissions and add a VirusTotal link to comply with this new policy? A: No, but we would certainly appreciate it if you did. No requirement to do so, however. Q: You said VirusTotal has a file size limit. Are there any sites like VirusTotal with a bigger limit? A: Not to our knowledge, no. WebFlake employs it's own file size limit of 40MB anyway. Q: I see that the same file I am scanning on VirusTotal has already been scanned before. Can I use that analysis instead? A: Absolutely not. Ensure that when you submit your file, it is within minutes of the analysis timestamp. Otherwise, it will be deleted. Q: How do I know if my file, or the file I'm interested in, is clean? A: Detection ratio. Files that haven't been flagged as potentially malicious by the majority of the antivirus programs will have a low detection ratio (typically between 1-10 / 54). If the ratio numbers are green (for example: 0 / 54) the file is likely clean. If the numbers are red, then that means an overwhelming consensus is that the file is malicious in nature. Q: Can I see an example analysis? A: Follow the link below for an example analysis, using a copy of our official release of xenForo 1.4.3. https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/f03a29229645ac670c18beb44d59313ac382b88695e215427a19f055be285cf3/analysis/1420518912/
    1 point
  2. Thank you all so much, I took Davlin's and Djlatino's posts in consideration. I also feel like before purchasing hosting and domain, that I will give it a test on low-cost to nothing providers and see where that takes me, and for Kevin that contacted me via PM; I'm sorry I could not respond to you in a timely fashion because of work and school. With that said I already been working on the type of forum I was talking about for the fast few hours and I released a download for some files I put together earlier for users here to use!
    1 point
  3. The only one who can tell you if this is a solid idea or not, is yourself. What can you do differently, that hasn't already been done before? What is it you believe will set you apart from the hundreds, if not thousands, of communities that already exist for this very purpose? To be quite frank, your targeted demographic isn't going to be virtuous, much less desirable. Last-Gen products are quickly going the way of the dodo thanks to spectacular deals from Microsoft and Sony. Modifying consoles [illegally] doesn't afford the preferred reward over risk it may have at one time. Don't waste your time putting together a community "just because". It's a disservice to both yourself and countless others attempting to achieve something worthwhile.
    1 point
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