Well hello everyone, thanks for visiting my introduction post. Just like everyone else i'm also a member on this site which is why i'm doing a member introduction. Hmm, where to start. Why the name Phun? Well to be honest, i have really no idea why i took this name. Other people probably use it around the internet aswell and it's probably not unique. It's not from SouthPark's super Phun Thyme, that's for sure. I guess i saw it somewhere in the 2008-ish years and just went with it. And from then on, i've been using Phun as my alias on forums 'n stuff. I started interacting with IP.Board back when 2.3.6 was released. Together with a guy i met online, i created a very successful game hacking forum, called HackLegends. We sold "VIP" hacks there and we had a lot of VIP-Members and generally an awesome community. Unfortunately, the guy i started it with had to continue doing stuff in his personal life and left the site. Quickly after he left, we had nobody that could create a proper hack, so HackLegends had to close it's doors. (To make a long story short, HL was online for more years after he left, but it didn't take off as much, so we closed it.) Then, i decided to start something new. Something i had experience with and something i really wanted to make. IPBCore was born. I started it by myself, provided content for it (since back then, i still had an active IPS account but no more!) and started inviting and sharing some stuff around on other sites. Firstly some people joined IPBCore and before i knew it, IPBCore grew out to be one of the LARGEST communities for IP.Board related content in the world. But we wanted more, our members wanted more so i had to expand.. ForumCore was born! With 45 THOUSAND members to be one of the LARGEST online forum resources communities in the world, ranked around 18,000 in Alexa. But unfortunately due to some weird events that had happened i was forced to leave everything behind, FC got into trouble, the site was hacked and it's contents leaked across the interwebs. Now, we are back. Ready to make this into one of the LARGEST online communities on the internet, providing you with forum resources, webmaster resources and lots, lots more. I hope you enjoy your stay here as much as i do. Thanks for reading this (if you've read the whole thing)! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I haven't said anything about Paradiizee (Member No. 3) but i really want to. He has been a friend of mine for years. I met him and started teaming up with him on HackLegends, back in 2009 and we still are friends today. He's awesome at fiddling around with PHP, HTML and CSS. Thanks for sticking with me bro. I appreciate it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Phun