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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/2014 in all areas

  1. 1. Grab a still image 2. Go to http://depthy.me/ 3. You need to add your own depth map if it doesn't have one - which is very likely - go toy around a bit 4. Press the share button (the green one) 5. Post the result here! Here's mine: http://depthy.me/#/ip/4B35czG
    2 points
  2. EDIT: I have created a custom BBCode for this script so there is no need for installing the script inside of your skin template. Original Post: Hello, Earlier, I showed you how you can make usernames on your forum flash in a "Rainbow" fashion. This tutorial will be very similar, but requires a few extra steps. This does not require "advanced" knowledge, just access to the Look & Feel and Member Groups section of your community's ACP. Let's begin. Firstly, you are going to navigate to ACP > Look & Feel > Your Skin > globalTemplate This piece of code is to be inserted towards the bottom of the script. For example, you could place it just above where you see something relevant to <!-- ::: Footer ::: --> <script> var speed=80 var hex=new Array("00","14","28","3C","50","64","78","8C","A0","B4","C8","DC","F0") var r=1 var g=1 var b=1 var seq=1 function changetext(){ for(i=0;i<document.getElementsByName("Rainbow").length;i++){ var storetext=document.getElementById? document.getElementsByName("Rainbow")[i] : document.all.highlight rainbow="#"+hex[r]+hex[g]+hex[b] storetext.style.color=rainbow } } function change(){ if (seq==6){ b-- if (b==0) seq=1 } if (seq==5){ r++ if (r==12) seq=6 } if (seq==4){ g-- if (g==0) seq=5 } if (seq==3){ b++ if (b==12) seq=4 } if (seq==2){ r-- if (r==0) seq=3 } if (seq==1){ g++ if (g==12) seq=2 } changetext() } function starteffect(){ if (document.all||document.getElementById) flash=setInterval("change()",speed) } starteffect() </script> Now to authorize user groups who can use the Rainbow text. We're now going to navigate withing the ACP to Members > Member Groups > Manage Member Groups This next step you will have to do for each group you want to be able to use this Rainbow text feature. Open the group, click on "Global", look for "Can Post HTML?" and tick the box over to "Yes". Save the group, and repeat as necessary. Since we have enabled it for the user groups, we must permit it on the forums. Let's work our way over to Forums > Manage Forums Again, you must repeat these steps for each forum area you wish to allow the Rainbow feature. Open the forum set you wish to apply the permissions to, and click on the Postable Settings tab. The first option should be "Enable HTML Posting (where allowed)", place the setting over to "Yes". Save the forum set, and repeat as necessary. Finally, we can post with our Rainbow text as an approved user in the appropriate forums. To do so, we're going to start a topic as normal. Once you are at the topic posting screen, look on the right hand side where you should see "Post Options" Tick the box on where you see "Enable HTML?" Place this before the text you wish to add Rainbow to: <span name="Rainbow"> And then place your text. At the end of your text, add this: </span> Things to note: *The rainbow will only show on skins that you add the script to. *It does not matter exactly where you place the script, as long as it is there and does not interrupt other code. *Only usergroups that you allow may use this on allowed forums. *This will only work in the forums you allow, regardless of user permission sets. *This will work wherever HTML is enabled, including signatures and about me.
    1 point
  3. All of the ones that say: background: url(hxxp://); As you can see the background links to an imageshack picture - which has been removed from there so it makes everything show the imageshack unavailable picture. Let me know how it goes.
    1 point
  4. That isn't a hook. All you have to do is go to your "Moderator CP" and make an announcement. I'm pretty sure It already comes with IPB. Just Go to Mod Cp then there should be a tab saying "Announcements" and then go ahead and just add one and put the announcement on the forums you want it to show on. Then when you're done you can go to that forum and it will show that. If this answers / resolves your question within this topic, please click the button.
    1 point
  5. I put the success of Forumcore/IPBCore on the clever, intuitive and incredibly attractive staff team at the time! *Cough* WOO! *cough*
    1 point
  6. Welcome to WebFlake, make sure to read the "Community Guidelines".
    1 point
  7. .. from our : 24. How can I change my display name and/or log-in name? Members are not permitted to change their display name or log-in name by default. However, you have two options: Donate $10 for a two (2) month subscription, and you'll unlock the ability to alter your display name as a +Donator. Contact myself (Davlin) or Phun via private message, and request a display name and/or log-in name adjustment. Please note that if you choose this option, you must provide a valid reason. Simply not liking your name, for example, is not a valid reason.
    1 point
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