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Hello WebFlakians! Behind the scenes lurks a man, driven to get WebFlake to be the community IPBCore once was. Driven to make WebFlake more awesome, to make WebFlake the awesomest one could say. Faster, bigger, better and more helpful than ever before. Look at that man.. hiding there, by himself, in the shadows and depths of the online world.. slowly plotting what he thinks is his master plan. Howdy folks! Haven't posted a news update in a while but i'm feeling good today so here it is. I've never been good at writing short and simple stories that get to the point. The idea of hundreds of people roaming this website per day is slowly fading away - it is but a memory left over from the good ol' forum-/ipbcore days. I'm afraid that if i install the "Members Online Today" mod, the results would be much lower. What is this? I used to run one of - if not THE - biggest forum resource communities out there. WebFlake has merely been my attempt to regain that status, the status and awesomeness that FC/IPBC was. How come it's flow, it's feel and it's greatness are no longer there? For months i've been trying to find the answer to this question, sadly to no avail. Both of my previous sites felt good, they felt great even. Why can't i deliver that same feeling to you guys, to WebFlake? I don't know. I don't know and i'm angry with myself because of it. How can we fit the needs of everyone and everything forum/webmaster related? How can we get more engagement in webmaster discussion, forums, plugins, themes, code snippets, server maintenance, everything! Perhaps it's time for a new formula.. yes.. a new formula. What if i just... *pulls a lever* - holy cows! And maybe this.. and this.. yes.. YES! TL;DR Time for change, change is good and WebFlake needs a lot of it to get back to the top. I'll be working behind the scenes trying out different "formulas" and experimenting till i find the perfect one. Woohoo! ========================================================== Upcoming Maintenance In a day or two i'm gonna make some tweaks to our system configuration, the server and a few skin changes that will most likely go unnoticed. Also looking to change how we serve downloads but that will happen behind the scenes and somewhere else and won't affect uptime.4 points
2 points
So, as some of you might know I had a few files up in the downloads for nulled copies of the coming IPS4, but sadly they were taken down because WebFlake doesn't support 3rd party nulls. So, I figured I'd share how to null it because, honestly, IPS didn't care this time around if their work was nulled, they made it easy... So basically, all you have to do is replace your init.php file contents with this (the whole thing): Then, upload it and you are set to go. When prompted for a license, enter whatever you want. And this works, simply because your board will think you are using the pre-release key and never check if it's real. And as long as IPS doesn't update this file, this should work on any and all releases for IPS4. So, enjoy WebFlake!1 point
I do not speak for Paradiizee, nor is his privacy of anyone's concern but his own.. but I will state, just this once, that Para left of his own accord for career purposes that had nothing to do with WebFlake.1 point
Thanks for the valuable feedback so far guys - really appreciate it.1 point
The probleme is in the name... Webflake. I'm french... for me it's like Corn Flakes. I forget very easily that name. It was not the same sing with Forumcore. AMHA, you need to find a best domain name.1 point
Weekly email shot maybe of the latest stuff? I haven't been on here in a while but I checked back because of the email blast think I need to learn how to share stuff1 point
I used to be concerned and/or disappointed about how many members or how many visitors I had to my web site every day but since my site is a 'hobby' (HAM Radio/Shortwave/CB and a Ford Mustang) site and I don't rely on it to make a living I don't care any more. I just do it for my own enjoyment and just concentrate on having a 'quality' web site and/or forum. I've been doing this off and on since 1982 when I started with a 'Dial-Up' BBS service and still enjoy it today... I don't charge for access to any of my web forums... never have... never will, I just write off my server fees etc as one of the expenses for my 'hobby'. I believe anybody trying to run a forum today to make money is going to have it rough... FACEBOOK killed any chance of that! I have a couple of facebook group pages myself and memberships in the thousands but my web forums only have memberships around 100 or so on the average but I still enjoy them more! I really like this site and I have been coming here for a long time on and off and I wish I could contribute more but I just don't have the connections Thank you for your efforts on providing this site and and sharing it's content with me and all the other members here.1 point
Do you allow images in signatures? Also in Look & Feel > BBCode Management > Images - Press the little edit button, is it usable in all sections like this?1 point
I loath these sort of announcements. They come with baggage and unnecessary spectacle. Alas, I believe in transparency and have promised as much before. I'm sure, by now, most of you were familiar with DragonVoid's recent promotion to Junior Moderator and the subsequent "controversy" being whispered about on the site. Allow me to clarify this: there is no controversy. A member of our team made an egregious decision to promote DragonVoid without putting him through our rigorous vetting process, which caused some concern within the team and some known annoyance among other members. Mistakes happen. We're all human. We need to learn from them and move on and assure history does not repeat itself and that we don't set unfortunate precedents. In fairness to the community and to the rest of our team, DragonVoid has been moved back to his original +Donator usergroup until we deem that we're in need of another Staff member, at which point he will have an opportunity to present himself yet again, and earn the position. This does not imply that he is guaranteed the spot, nor does it imply he is automatically disqualified from it. We currently have nine total members on the WebFlake Staff team (including myself and Phun). When evaluating our daily numbers, our current team is more than sufficient to ensure WebFlake continues to function smoothly and efficiently. I have the utmost confidence in our current team, as they have placed their confidence in me as well. With that said, on behalf of the entire team, I'd like to extend our sincerest apologies to both DragonVoid and the WebFlake community for any confusion. This demotion has nothing to do with any actions or a lack thereof on the part of DragonVoid, but moreover a simple misunderstanding. We all wish DragonVoid the best of luck in earning the next available position, and thank him for his continued support of WebFlake!1 point
We're pleased to announce the newest addition to our Junior Moderators: Norg. Hailing from the UK, from parts unknown, Iain has been a contributing member here at WebFlake for some time, who I've had the personal pleasure of building a wonderful rapport with. He's already won over a few members of our team, so his addition was really a no-brainer. You'll find him hustling his way through support and the occasional backdoor upload. Be sure to give him a warm WebFlake welcome, and put his ass to work!1 point
1 point
Lately there have been several posts from a handful of users hellbent on spreading false propaganda about how WebFlake Staff manages and moderates this community. Most of the posts all follow the same rhetoric.. "WebFlake is ruled with an iron fist", "Nobody likes X Staff member", or the popular shtick of today's society: "freedom from oppression". When did WebFlake become Cold War Soviet Russia, Somalia, or North Korea? I'm going to address the most common complaints, and clear the air. Warnings / Suspensions / Bans When a user is warned, suspended or banned.. they have access to the reason why. Either by notification, email, or the No Permission page presented to you when logging into the site. Warnings do not go away, points are not removed, and only serve as a reminder to not commit the same violation (or any others) again. Suspensions are often handed out to users who frequently violate our guidelines, or simply ignore our warnings. Occasionally, if the action is severe enough, we will suspend a user without warning (i.e. if the user spams vulgarities repeatedly, uses racial slurs, etc). Bans are doled out to habitual offenders, spammers, leechers, and duplicate accounts. If you have questions on what actions may lead to these forms of moderation, or how we utilize them, feel free to PM me directly for clarification. One member PM'ed me earlier this evening to ask what the difference is between Head Moderators and Moderators.. I was happy to oblige. Alleged "Oppression" This is really just a cry for attention people. No one is being oppressed, you're simply confusing your dislike for our guidelines with real-world problems that millions suffer from every day. Not being able to sell ripped skins or request content via PM does not make you "oppressed". We put these guidelines in place for the best interest of everyone in the community, not just a few that we allegedly hate so much that we are trying to ruin their lives... (notice the dramatics?). We're always open to suggestions on altering our guidelines, but don't expect making a spectacle of your topic will bring the change you seek. All of these theatrics as of late are downright annoying and immature. Anonymous isn't going to bring us to our knees, and you won't rally thousands of members for your ridiculous "cause". We are a file sharing community, powered by our donators, and managed by volunteer Staff. Complaints against Staff I was not-so-politely informed tonight that I am apparently "hated" and many people have grudges against me. It's true. I have a long line of haters and wannabes, and an even longer line of critics. It's something I've learned to tolerate a long time ago as a game developer. If you have a legitimate complaint about how I moderate on this site, feel free to send a Private Message to Phun, who will be glad to review the complaint. The reality is though, that 95% of the users who already sent complaints are vulgar, belligerent, and hateful users who just wanted to complain. The other 5% are bandwagon users who see one user complain and promptly join in on the fun. Whatever the case, instead of whining publicly, contact Phun.. or, send me a direct message and we can talk about it. As for other Staff, you're welcome to send complaints to Phun or myself about Moderators. Can't say I've gotten one worth reading however. Membership on WebFlake When using this site, you accept the fact that your membership here can end at any given time with or without prior notice, either by your own choice or that of a WebFlake Staff member. There are no guarantees of "privacy" on a private domain, nor are we obligated to allow you to use this site any more than you are obligated to be here. If you do not like our guidelines or our moderation, you are free to seek out a new community. We will wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. In short, we're not a community for troll fodder or shenanigans. People come here to share and download files, offer and hire services, and get a running start on becoming a webmaster without the ridiculous fees most software developers charge for the content. I can't possibly fathom why some users take it upon themselves to make this community into a Broadway drama, instead of simply familiarizing themselves with our guidelines and having a good time here. There is much to learn, many files to be had, and ample friends to make throughout WebFlake. If you have a penchant for drama, rest assured, it won't be tolerated here.1 point
Each and every single member of staff works incredibly hard to keep Web Flake the way it is, most of the other staff work behind the scenes as they all have more permissions than me so they've got more responsibilities. However, we are always working as a team and keeping each other informed on what's going on, just because moderators don't post doesn't mean they aren't working1 point
Social media like twitter and facebook killed / is killing most community forums.0 points
Hi everyone its leejay again, i have something to say. So i added a topic not long ago about my website and its pretty dam hard as i have had really major problems with my website files and other stuff going missing Lock Down replied to my topic, he has been great support, i have never had better support than Lock Down, he's a good member, and deserves a place at webflake staff. he has done great help, thanks my friend for the support you are giving me. I would also like to say a big thanks to paradiizee and phun for creating a great website, thanks guys, this website is the best for support and im sorry for my bad things as getting 3 warning points.-1 points
-1 points
-1 points
Username: c0w First Name: Luke Age: 17 Rate your English out of 10: 10 Additional languages spoken: I can speak little german in some senorios Software specialization: IPB/MyBB Detail your Moderator experience: My past mod experience is very little, this is because I am into creating websites so therefore I have a top role, you could class it as a Super Moderator etc. I know how to appropriately deal with users and invalid posts on a forum. Other qualifications (such as programming languages, CMS, etc): I can code basic CSS and some C++ (I shall rate myself 8/10). I am very good with MyBB as I have used it many times in the past. What can you bring to the team? If I joined the team, I think I would bring a lot of dedication. I would be on regularly throughout the day as I do my college work at home this means I can pop on and checkup on WF. Why do you want to become a Junior Moderator? I have always wanted to improve my role here at WebFlake, even at forumcore! I hope my chance has come.-1 points
Great news, I remember the good old days when there was hundreds of active users Shoutout to c0w!-1 points
-1 points