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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/05/2014 in all areas

  1. So, as some of you might know I had a few files up in the downloads for nulled copies of the coming IPS4, but sadly they were taken down because WebFlake doesn't support 3rd party nulls. So, I figured I'd share how to null it because, honestly, IPS didn't care this time around if their work was nulled, they made it easy... So basically, all you have to do is replace your init.php file contents with this (the whole thing): Then, upload it and you are set to go. When prompted for a license, enter whatever you want. And this works, simply because your board will think you are using the pre-release key and never check if it's real. And as long as IPS doesn't update this file, this should work on any and all releases for IPS4. So, enjoy WebFlake!
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