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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/17/2014 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. Beautiful custom Courage, .. to me it looks
    3 points
  3. This is actually a problem with Google Chrome, its like this for everyone who uses IPB on Google Chrome, its an overflow problem, But if you don't want this problem, go to ACP > Look & Feel > Your Skin > CSS > Find, ul.post_controls {Within that little bit of CSS delete this bit, overflow: hidden;
    1 point
  4. I'm usually playing games on my PC, but prefer to play videogames with my friends on the console, it's just more fun. Also we're still waiting the PC version of GTA V, till then I'll be playing it on my PS3.
    1 point
  5. Hi, my name is Alex. I found about this forum while searching google for a hook. So yea.. I don't know what else to say. Have a nice day everyone
    1 point
  6. Go to admin -> skin_cp -> cp_skin_global.php and find: and replace it with this: Save and go to admin -> applications -> core -> extensions -> dashboardNotifications.php and find: and replace with this: Save and you're done. In general, this works for 3.2.x, 3.3.x and 3.4.x.
    1 point
  7. Hi, it happens to me sometimes too. AdminCP > Members > Member Groups > Guests > press Complete Edit button
    -1 points
  8. ACP > Forums > Add new forum > Type of Forum : Redirect forum:
    -1 points
  9. Same problem. Many users mentioned this problem too.
    -1 points
  10. Hi Webflakians I'm working on a new IP.Board skin Here are some images: I'm gonna upload it on wf, but first of all, I want to know what do you think about it. Thanks.
    -1 points
  11. http://www.ipbfocus.com/premade/splat/ Some modifications
    -1 points
  12. -1 points
  13. Did that before.. same problem. New IPB Install imported DB, same problem. Exported only important tables (members, topics, posts, permissions, etc) and the problem was solved
    -1 points
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYQNPbvkJqU All posts from a category are read, but the category shows that it's not read.
    -1 points
  15. AdminCP > System Settings > Members > User Profiles > Show users full photo in topic view; maximum width
    -2 points
  16. -2 points
  17. Do you have the traffic generator hook enabled?
    -2 points
  18. Hi. I had some problems with my forum and I had to backup only some important tables. Which table is responsable for these settings?
    -2 points
  19. Due to bugs number, I'm prepared for 2015.
    -2 points
  20. Dude, this is the most stupid comparation possible . You can't just simply compare "AMD or Intel"; you can compare 2 different products, for example AMD FX 6300 and Intel core i3 4130 (AMD is better), or AMD FX 6300 with Intel core i5 4440 (here Intel is better).
    -3 points
  21. What should google find? Everything is hidden from guests.
    -3 points
  22. http://webflake.sx/files/file/1523-custom-moderator-team-page/
    -3 points
  23. I suggest you C/C++ Pascal is a dead language.
    -3 points
  24. Hmm, try this: AdminCP > Look and Feel > your skin -> Global Templates -> userInfoPane Change <if test="$this->settings['horizontalTopicView']='yes'"></if> to <if test="$this->settings['horizontalTopicView']='no'"></if> AdminCP > Look and Feel > your skin -> Topic View -> post Change <if test="$this->settings['horizontalTopicView']='yes'"></if>to <if test="$this->settings['horizontalTopicView']='no'"></if> AdminCP > Look and Feel > your skin -> Topic View -> topicViewTemplate Change <if test="$this->settings['horizontalTopicView']='yes'"></if>to <if test="$this->settings['horizontalTopicView']='no'"></if>
    -3 points
  25. I deleted those forums with phpMyAdmin, recached forum and it works. Thanks!!
    -3 points
  26. Hi. An administrator deleted some forums and now I have this issue in Moderating team: How can I fix it?
    -3 points
  27. Total members: 22,362 Total members with 0 posts: 16,131
    -3 points
  28. Just sayin' I would delete all accounts with 0 posts (database bigger with no reason) and set a 10 minimum posts to download something
    -3 points
  29. -3 points
  30. ACP > Manage Hooks > Reimport Applications Hooks ?
    -3 points
  31. More optimization for big boards.
    -3 points
  32. PROs: Really nice design Drag & Drop option New topic button on board index Q&A Forums CONs: Rounded avatars Global sidebar (makes pages ... heavy) No online users in footer Where is the members page?
    -3 points
  33. It's OK. I mean, who likes IPB 3.4 default design? There are a lot of amazing alternative skins.
    -3 points
  34. From Hook: Global Shoutbox settings:
    -3 points
  35. New modality of making posts?
    -3 points
  36. Copy and paste your ipb_styles.css here, between SPOILER and CODE tags.
    -3 points
  37. Find #primary_nav { height: 55px; font-family: 'Lobster', "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 20px; font-weight: 100; float: right; text-shadow: #05161c 0px -1px 0px; } And replace font-family: 'Lobster', "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; with the fonts you want
    -3 points
  38. font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; Do you like that?
    -3 points
  39. What ? He doesn't like that font.
    -3 points
  40. -3 points
  41. By default, numbers are formatted with `,` character. To change it with `.` or ` `, you should edit your language locale, but there's another way to do that. Open <forum_path> / admin / sources / classes / class_localization.php We have 3 options: 1. Format with `,` character: Replace public function formatNumber( $number, $places=0 ) { return is_numeric( $number ) ? str_replace( 'x', $this->local_data['thousands_sep'], number_format( $number, $places, $this->local_data['decimal_point'], 'x' ) ) : 0; } with public function formatNumber( $number, $places=0 ) { return number_format($number, NULL, '', ','); } 2. Format with `.` character: Replace public function formatNumber( $number, $places=0 ) { return is_numeric( $number ) ? str_replace( 'x', $this->local_data['thousands_sep'], number_format( $number, $places, $this->local_data['decimal_point'], 'x' ) ) : 0; } with public function formatNumber( $number, $places=0 ) { return number_format($number, NULL, '', '.'); } 3. Format with ` ` (space) character: Replace public function formatNumber( $number, $places=0 ) { return is_numeric( $number ) ? str_replace( 'x', $this->local_data['thousands_sep'], number_format( $number, $places, $this->local_data['decimal_point'], 'x' ) ) : 0; } with public function formatNumber( $number, $places=0 ) { return number_format($number, NULL, '', ' '); }
    -3 points
  42. Preview: AdminCP > Look and Feel > [your skin] -> Board Index -> boardIndexTemplate Find <foreach loop="side_blocks:$side_blocks as $block"> {$block} </foreach> Add before: <if test="memberbox:|:$this->memberData['member_id']"> <div class='ipsSideBlock clearfix'> <h3>Welcome, <a href="{parse url="showuser={$this->memberData['member_id']}" seotitle="{$this->memberData['members_seo_name']}" template="showuser" base="public"}" title='{$this->lang->words['your_profile']}'> {$this->memberData['members_display_name']}</a></h3> <div class='_sbcollapsable'> <center class='desc member_title'> <if test="$this->memberData['title'] != ''"> {$this->memberData['title']}<br /> </if> <br /> <a href="{parse url="showuser={$this->memberData['member_id']}" seotitle="{$this->memberData['members_seo_name']}" template="showuser" base="public"}" title='{$this->lang->words['your_profile']}'> <img src='{$this->memberData['pp_main_photo']}'></a> <br /><br /> <center> <span style=' font-size: 14px;'>{$this->memberData['prefix']}{$this->memberData['g_title']}{$this->memberData['suffix']}</span><br /><br /> Posts: {$this->memberData['posts']}<br /> Profile views: {$this->memberData['members_profile_views']}<br /> Member No.: {$this->memberData['member_id']}<br> Joined: {parse date="$this->memberData['joined']" format="joined"} <br /><br /> Your IP: {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} <br /><br /> <div style='background:#0f2437 ;padding: 7px; color: #fff; font-weight: bold'>{$this->memberData['pp_reputation_points']} </div> </center> </div> </div> </if> To change background color from Reputaton, just edit: <div style='background:#0f2437 ;padding: 7px; color: #fff; font-weight: bold'>{$this->memberData['pp_reputation_points']}</div>
    -4 points
  43. Before <foreach loop="side_blocks:$side_blocks as $block"> {$block} </foreach>
    -5 points
  44. Create an email adress in cPanel.
    -6 points
  45. Hi.. AdminCP > Look and Feel > [your skin] -> Global Templates -> userInfoPane Change <li class='group_title'> {$author['_group_formatted']} </li> with <!-- <li class='group_title'> {$author['_group_formatted']} </li> -->
    -6 points
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