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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2014 in all areas

  1. Hey guys, Working on a forum design for my server: Vexation-Gaming, I thought I would post my progress here so that you guys can give feedback and say what you think! Please note that this design is nowhere near finished, and a lot is subject to change. Please base your opinions around this fact. *scan lines are a water-mark for antirip purposes.* This design has been showcased on multiple sites, this does not give you a right to redistribute it, please respect my wishes and not share this elsewhere without first consulting myself. Thank you.
    1 point
  2. Greetings. I needed to hide authors (submitters) in IP Downloads, so that my uploaders could post files anonymously ( ). In view of the fact that I couldn't find on the web how to do it, I found it out by myself and wrote this tutorial in order to help people who has similar problem. I tried to find everything with what someone could trace usernames of submitters. Nevertheless, I could overlook something. If so, feel free to contact me, so that I could add it to this tutorial. ___________________________________________________________________________ There is an image included in every step. There you can see what do you remove in the step. Everything except the last step (8.) is configurable via ACP --> Look & Feel --> Manage Styles --> YOUR-STYLE-NAME --> Templates --> Downloads category 1. Delete submitter in file's overview. IMG: How to: Find the template called "fileDisplay" and remove following lines: <h3 class='bar'>{$this->lang->words['submitter']}</h3> <div class='ipsPad clearfix ipsSideBlock' id='submitter_info'> {parse template="userSmallPhoto" group="global" params="$file"} <span class='ipsType_subtitle ipsPad'> <if test="guestsubmitter:|:$file['file_submitter'] == 0 OR !$file['members_display_name']">{$this->lang->words['global_guestname']}<else />{parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$file"}</if> <if test="canchangeauthor:|:$this->registry->getClass('idmFunctions')->checkPerms( $file, 'modchangeauthor' )"> <a href='#' id='change_author' rel='{$file['file_id']}' title='{$this->lang->words['change_author']}'><img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/display_name.png' alt='' title='{$this->lang->words['change_author']}' /></a> </if> </span> <if test="filesearchauthor:|:$file['file_submitter']"> <br /><a class='ipsPad' href='{parse url="app=core&amp;module=search&amp;do=user_activity&amp;search_app=downloads&amp;mid={$file['file_submitter']}" base="public"}'>{$this->lang->words['viewmember_other_files']}</a> </if> </div> <if test="canchangeauthorform:|:$this->registry->getClass('idmFunctions')->checkPerms( $file, 'modchangeauthor' )"> <div class='pad clearfix' id='change_author_box' style='display: none'> <form style='display:inline;' action='{parse url="app=downloads&amp;module=moderate&amp;section=moderate&amp;do=updateAuthor&amp;id={$file['file_id']}&amp;secure_key={$this->member->form_hash}" base="public"}' method='post'> <label for="change_author_input"><strong>{$this->lang->words['change_author_name']}</strong></label> <input type='text' class='input_text' name='change_author_input' id='change_author_input' /> <input type='submit' class='input_submit' value='{$this->lang->words['change_author_submit']}' /> </form> </div> </if> 2. Delete submitter in categories. IMG: How to: Find the template called "categoryListing" and delete: {$this->lang->words['_by']} <if test="catusername:|:$data['member_id']">{parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$data"}<else />{$this->lang->words['global_guestname']}</if> 3. Delete Top Authors. IMG: How to: Find the template called "downloadsPortal" and delete: {parse template="portalSidebarBlock" group="downloads" params="$this->lang->words['top_authors'], $this->lang->words['portal_no_users'], $feeds['topusers'], 'author', '', 'author'"} 4. Delete submitters in Top Downloads. IMG: How to: Find the template called "portalSidebarBlockInsert" and delete: <div class='desc blend_links'>{$this->lang->words['_by']} {parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$item"}</div> 5. Delete submitters in What's New & Highest Rated. IMG: How to: Find the template called "portalPanelItem" and delete: <span>{$this->lang->words['_by']} {parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$item"}</span><br /> 6. Delete Latest Submitter (lower panel) IMG: How to: Find the template called "pageEnd" and delete: <li class='clear'> {$latest_author} {$this->lang->words['latest_submitter']} </li> 7. Delete submitter in file (Downloads) searching. IMG: How to: Find the template called "fileSearchResult" and delete: {parse template="userSmallPhoto" group="global" params="$data"} AND <li><if test="catuserid:|:$data['member_id']">{parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$data"}<else />{$this->lang->words['global_guestname']}</if></li> 8. Delete Files tab in profile. IMG: How to: Go to FTP and delete folder called "profileTabs". It is located in: */admin/applications_addon/ips/downloads/extensions/ It's Done!
    1 point
  3. Username: Skreamzja First Name: John Age: 20 Rate your English out of 10: 9 Additional languages spoken: N/A Software specialization: IP.Board IPB skills: 9.99/10 XenForo skills: 7/10 vBulletin skills: 6/10 WordPress skills: 7/10 HTML / CSS skills: 10/10 Other qualifications: I'm a skin developer and graphical designer. What can you bring to the team?: Let's just say I know how the site rolls and how to manage sites like these, So I have a fair bit of knowledge and understatement of the jobs and what needs to be done. I'm here to help and provide with support.
    1 point
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