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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/2014 in all areas

  1. I just want to share this tutorial and i was implemanted to my board without any problem. The Result: Admin CP Result: Member List Result: Board Result: Posting Result: Tutorial: 1. Go to ACP > Member > Member Group > Manage Member Group 2. Click pencil from member group you want to costumize, like this 2. Copy and paste this to Group Formatting Prefix: <span style='color:white; background:#d11141; font-weight: bold; padding: 3px 8px; border-radius: 3px; text-shadow: #000 2px 2px 4px ;'> 3. And this to Group Formatting Suffix: </span> 4. Save/Complete edit and look your member group styles NB: - You can Apply this methode to all Member Group of your boards - Change background color (blue) and font color (red) to any colors you want. - If you want to applied this to all of your board pages you will need to install TB Group Format (just install, no editing needed) - Any question about this comment please Thanks Salam Please Thumbs Up this tutorial if it help you full
    1 point
  2. You can use port 25, 587, or 2525 if you're not encrypting the communication between your system and Mandrill or if you want to use the STARTTLS extension (also known as TLS encryption). SSL is supported on port 465. ISPs may redirect traffic on certain ports, so it's up to you which port you use. It's just a matter of what you prefer and what works for you.
    1 point
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