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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2014 in all areas

  1. Hi guys, Just a quick tutorial on how to delete display name history on IP.Board 3.4.x. Step 1: Navigate to: ACP > SQL Management > SQL Tools Step 2: Scroll to the bottom of the page Step 3: Enter the following coding into the text box: DELETE FROM dnames_change WHERE dname_member_id = x x = Member ID - You may find this in the URL of a users profile. Eg: If the username was 'Plum' and it was the 4th account to sign up to my website then the following would be it's profile ID: http://www.<WEBSITE>.com/user/4-Plum/ To delete all display name history from every user type in: TRUNCATE dnames_change Step 4: Hit 'Run Query' Step 5: If done correctly it should say "Query executed successfully" Thanks, Kingy I do not take any credit for the coding provided in this tutorial.
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