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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/2014 in all areas

  1. Ok here is the code to get the like articles by the same author. I just have it display the count of the like articles. I hope th "code" can get at least the information he needs from it.. <if test="is_array( $records ) && count( $records )"> <div class='ipsSideBlock clearfix' id='recent_articles'> <h3>{$title}</h3> <ul class='block_list'> <foreach loop="$records as $r"> <php>$likeRecs = array(); ipsRegistry::DB()->build(array('select' => '*','from' => 'ccs_custom_database_1', 'where' => 'member_id='.$r['member_id'].' and post_key != "'.$r['post_key'].'"')); $rnew = ipsRegistry::DB()->execute(); while( $rlikes = ipsRegistry::DB()->fetch($rnew) ){ $likeRecs[] = $rlikes; } </php> ** {parse expression="count($likeRecs)"}** <li> <a href='{$r['url']}'>{parse expression="IPSText::truncate( $r['field_1_value'], 30 )"}</a> </li> </foreach> </ul> </div> <br /> </if>
    1 point
  2. look in the template (Downloads) Download Manager portalSidebarBlock Click the variables tab on the right and make sure this is there. If it does not have all change it to all and try it. $menutype='all' You also have to remember if the member has chosen something different it will remain in the cookies. So try clearing out the cookies and cache after making the change.
    1 point
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