In admin panel > Members > Custom Profile Fields
find the skype icon and click the pencil on right. and fill out these fields
Include on registration page? Yes
If 'yes', the field will be shown upon registration.
Field MUST be completed and not left empty? Yes
If 'yes', an error will be shown if this field is not completed.
Field can be edited by the member? Yes
If 'no', the member cannot edit the field but Super Moderators and Admins will be able to.
Make this a private profile field? No
If yes, field only visible to profile owner, super moderators and admins. If 'no', members can search within this field.
Make Admin and Super Moderator Editable/Viewable Only? No
If yes, will override the above options so only admins and super moderators can see and edit this field. If enabled, the field will not show on the registration form!
Topic View Format? <span class='row_data'><img src='imgs/{key}'></span> </span><span class='row_data'>{content}</span>
Leave blank if you do not wish to add this field in the author details when viewing a topic.
{title} is the title of the custom field, {content} is the user added content. {key} is the form select value of the selected item in a dropdown box.
Example: <span class='row_title'>{title}:</span><span class='row_data'>{content}</span>
Example: <span class='row_title'>{title}:</span><span class='row_data'><img src='imgs/{key}'></span>