It doesn't have a closing "else" in the event of the "if" statement not being met - if my tiredness serves me right, this should work:
public function menuBar( $applications )
if( isset($applications['ccs']) )
$applications['ccs']['app_link'] = $this->registry->ccsFunctions->returnPageUrl( array( 'page_seo_name' => $this->settings['ccs_default_page'], 'page_id' => 0 ) );
$applications['ccs']['app_seotitle'] = ''; // Has to be empty, or IP.Board tries to run its FURL routines causing index.php?//page/...
$applications['ccs']['app_template'] = 'app=ccs';
$applications['ccs']['app_base'] = 'none';
return $this->registry->output->getTemplate('ccs_global')->primary_navigation( $this->caches['ccs_menu'], $applications );
Might be worth seeing if somebody can confirm this.
Hope this helps!