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  1. Lock Down

    Lock Down

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/2014 in all areas

  1. Been away for sometime now and when I come back and see the new look I thought I was in a diferent place lol... So thank you Admins and The Big brains behind WF, yuo made my day ^.^
    1 point
  2. Unfortunately, as I stated - am tired, and so the fault there may be me, I'd wait for somebody to check it out - Lock Down is good with that stuff.
    1 point
  3. It doesn't have a closing "else" in the event of the "if" statement not being met - if my tiredness serves me right, this should work: public function menuBar( $applications ) { if( isset($applications['ccs']) ) { $applications['ccs']['app_link'] = $this->registry->ccsFunctions->returnPageUrl( array( 'page_seo_name' => $this->settings['ccs_default_page'], 'page_id' => 0 ) ); $applications['ccs']['app_seotitle'] = ''; // Has to be empty, or IP.Board tries to run its FURL routines causing index.php?//page/... $applications['ccs']['app_template'] = 'app=ccs'; $applications['ccs']['app_base'] = 'none'; } else { return $this->registry->output->getTemplate('ccs_global')->primary_navigation( $this->caches['ccs_menu'], $applications ); } Might be worth seeing if somebody can confirm this. Hope this helps!
    1 point
  4. You can try this go to edit the Article View template (under IP.Content -> Templates -> Article Templates) you can edit this code to change the resize option to a different value, or not resize at all. change <img src='{$data['record']['article_image']}' {parse resize_image="$data['record']['article_image']" maxwidth="225"} alt='' style="float: right; padding: 10px" /> to <img src='{$data['record']['article_image']}' alt='' style="float: right; padding: 10px" />
    1 point
  5. Ok look at it now. You have one of those fancy skins is why it didn't work. Hope that is what you wanted.
    1 point
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