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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/2014 in all areas

  1. Hi Webflake, My account was verified a few days ago and i've seen a few people are struggling to get there account accepted too so i'll post a few images here so you can have a look: Have any specific images you'd like me to get? Reply below and i'll go ahead and get them. Thanks
    1 point
  2. Well here is what I'll do since I fully got that part converted for you, I'll send you the code for you to review later when I'm home so you can understand and learn ipb variables and how they work and to check them up with your code so you can see the differences.
    1 point
  3. your missing out some code on line 64. you need to get rid of this part of the code ( <div id='user_navigation' class='not_logged_in'> ) because your calling the default not logged in code instead of your custom bar. that's all I can see right now with a quick glance since I'm not home to help you out any further than that.
    1 point
  4. Just mean's you need two instances of code for that login / logout bar bit. First one will have an if statement about being logged in. So this bar will show the members logged in details. then you would ADD after that before closing the if statement a <else /> this is where the bar code for not being logged in goes. then you end your if statement. Sorry it's not very details but I'm not home to be able to give you the full help you need and this internet where I am is shit.
    1 point
  5. Just seems like you are running the incorrect query's for logged in and logged out, I'm not home right now to give you a hand over @ skype but when I'm home later and if no one else has reply'd I'll message you.
    1 point
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