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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/2014 in all areas

  1. I hope my title for this thread didn't make you piss yourself too much , but anyway, I'm Googol. You can say I've been a searching for the right community to get forum software from. A few things to know about me: I've been creating forums for several years and I've been using Photoshop for about five years. I love pizza, seriously. I've eaten pizza during school lunch from sixth grade all the way up till I finished high school. I'm surprised I haven't died yet. I love Ariana Grande. Did I mention I love Ariana Grande? I have no filter, which I get from my father. I have a foot fetish. (What did I tell ya? No filter ). I hate any form of mathematics and yet my father is a math teacher.
    1 point
  2. You have 3 choices. 1. Create new template bits for the profileModern & statusUpdates with new names and use them in the new code changing the new statusUpdates template to choose only ?? statuses in the foreach statement. 2. Change the number of status updates shown for all by editing file adminapplicationsmembersextensionsprofileTabsstatus.php using ftp or file manager. find $statuses = $this->registry->getClass('memberStatus')->fetch( $this->memberData, array( 'relatedTo' => $member['member_id'], 'isApproved' => true, 'limit' => 10 ) ); Change the 10 to whatever number you want. 3. in acp system settings > members > user profiles click add a setting then follow the image then edit the file adminapplicationsmembersextensionsprofileTabsstatus.php using ftp or file manager. find $statuses = $this->registry->getClass('memberStatus')->fetch( $this->memberData, array( 'relatedTo' => $member['member_id'], 'isApproved' => true, 'limit' => 10 ) ); Change the 10 to $this->settings['maxStatusUpdates'] then the code I made change this $tab = 'status'; to this $tab = 'status'; $this->settings['maxStatusUpdates']=1; You can make the 1 anything you want.
    1 point
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