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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2014 in all areas

  1. Greetings. In view of the fact that I had tried to find on the whole internet how to change position of Reputation Bar to the left side of posts and couldn't find it anywhere, now I know how to do it and here is the tutorial. Thanks to user Sanctuary, who told me how to change position of Like-button, so that I could easily find out how to change position of Rep-button. This tutorial shows how to move it to the left side of a post (see the screens below). If you would like to center it in the middle, see by Sanctuary. How to change position of Like button? Simply go to: ACP -> Look & Feel -> Your Skin -> Other Global Templates -> repButtons, find this: <div class='ipsLikeBar right clearfix' id='{$data['domCountId']}'> and replace it with: <div class='ipsLikeBar left clearfix' id='{$data['domCountId']}'> How to change position of Reputation buttons? Simply go to: ACP -> Look & Feel -> Your Skin -> Other Global Templates -> repButtons, find this: <div class='rep_bar clearfix <if test="pos:|:!$data['position'] || $data['position'] == 'right'">right</if>' id='{$data['domCountId']}'> and replace it with: <div class='rep_bar clearfix <if test="pos:|:!$data['position'] || $data['position'] == 'left'">left</if>' id='{$data['domCountId']}'>
    1 point
  2. Ok I have what you mean .. This tutorial for twitter was written a long time ago but should still be valid.
    1 point
  3. Try clicking Applications & Modules > Manage Hooks > reimport application hooks. That should fix the file names in the hooks folder. If not export the hook and install it again.
    1 point
  4. This is awesome hook GABAS:)
    1 point
  5. For the Like system, find this: <div class='ipsLikeBar right clearfix' id='{$data['domCountId']}'> Replace it with this: <div class='ipsLikeBar rep_center clearfix' id='{$data['domCountId']}'> For the Rep system, find this: <div class='rep_bar clearfix <if test="pos:|:!$data['position'] || $data['position'] == 'right'">right</if>' id='{$data['domCountId']}'> Replace it with this: <div class='rep_bar clearfix <if test="pos:|:!$data['position'] || $data['position'] == 'center'">rep_center</if>' id='{$data['domCountId']}'> Then make sure to add this to your CSS somewhere: .rep_center { text-align: center; }
    1 point
  6. I am sorry, it seems there is no easy way how to do it. Maybe externally via CSS...
    1 point
  7. The only truth in this is that Darby and Sullivan are former members of the vBulletin team. The rest is complete bullshit. Darby and Sullivan left the vBulletin team after Internet Brands acquired Jelsoft, the original company that owned the vBulletin software. Both Darby and Sullivan wanted to rewrite the entire code base for vBulletin using Zend PHP (the framework for XenForo) but were challenged by their (then) employers, Internet Brands. So, they left the team and started XenForo. A little bit of research on XenForo would tell you that the platform is a hell of a lot more robust (especially in security) than what vBulletin ever was. vBulletin's issues with security have absolutely nothing to do with the XenForo team. Seems to me like a lot of folks here know very little about XenForo, aside from wild assumptions.
    1 point
  8. This is wrong in so many ways. XenForo is far from being bested by IPS. Each platform has their individual strengths and weaknesses, but XenForo has plenty more to offer. They've actually released both 1.2 and 1.3 within the last year and several third-point releases in between. XenForo is far more active than IPS in terms of proactive development, especially with their new approach to said development (releasing smaller patches for continued content rather than one big patch every few months). XF 1.3 focused heavily on moderation improvements. Version 1.4 is rumored to be core improvement oriented (the features allegedly "missing"). mmj - Bottom line, XenForo is a more sociable platform. Far easier to design and manipulate on the fly in comparison to IPB's rigid template system (which doesn't grant access to core functionality and requires you to delve into your FTP). There is no denying that IPB has far more built-in features, but I'd rather start with a product that has less and build upon it, than work with bloatware. XenForo is not inferior to IPB overall. Don't let biased critique sway you from creating an objective opinion about both platforms. For the record, I favor IPB but love XenForo as well.
    1 point
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEpI7t22DVo
    1 point
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