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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2014 in all areas

  1. Hello guys i was wondering as i want to use ipb for a gaming community i wanted to make my own skin which is based on the game basically what i want is custom template and skin if possible, Regards Brogax (thanks in advance)
    1 point
  2. By default, numbers are formatted with `,` character. To change it with `.` or ` `, you should edit your language locale, but there's another way to do that. Open <forum_path> / admin / sources / classes / class_localization.php We have 3 options: 1. Format with `,` character: Replace public function formatNumber( $number, $places=0 ) { return is_numeric( $number ) ? str_replace( 'x', $this->local_data['thousands_sep'], number_format( $number, $places, $this->local_data['decimal_point'], 'x' ) ) : 0; } with public function formatNumber( $number, $places=0 ) { return number_format($number, NULL, '', ','); } 2. Format with `.` character: Replace public function formatNumber( $number, $places=0 ) { return is_numeric( $number ) ? str_replace( 'x', $this->local_data['thousands_sep'], number_format( $number, $places, $this->local_data['decimal_point'], 'x' ) ) : 0; } with public function formatNumber( $number, $places=0 ) { return number_format($number, NULL, '', '.'); } 3. Format with ` ` (space) character: Replace public function formatNumber( $number, $places=0 ) { return is_numeric( $number ) ? str_replace( 'x', $this->local_data['thousands_sep'], number_format( $number, $places, $this->local_data['decimal_point'], 'x' ) ) : 0; } with public function formatNumber( $number, $places=0 ) { return number_format($number, NULL, '', ' '); }
    1 point
  3. If you want me to look at it leave me and admin login and url. I wiil also need a ftp login. Debugging is not always quick. :LOL: Ok working now. I believe the because the report status was not active for 1 and 2 is why it was not showing. But hard to be sure since I could not get group 26 to update.
    1 point
  4. I downloaded only 1 file from downloads , and i want 1 more , and it says i don't have permissions for that , why i can download only 1 file on a day?
    1 point
  5. You are welcome.
    1 point
  6. If you want me to look at it pm me and admin login and url. Otherwise I don't understand as it works fine on my test forum using ipb default. Ok Checked yours and your code had to be this <li class='ipsField tag_field'> <!-- <label for='ipbTags' class='ipsField_title'>{$this->lang->words['topic_tags']}</label> --> <php>$ctr = strpos($formData['tagBox'],'<script');$tagBox = substr($formData['tagBox'],$ctr-2);</php> <p class='ipsField_content'>{$tagBox}</p> </li>
    1 point
  7. I am sorry, it seems there is no easy way how to do it. Maybe externally via CSS...
    -1 points
  8. For the Like system, find this: <div class='ipsLikeBar right clearfix' id='{$data['domCountId']}'> Replace it with this: <div class='ipsLikeBar rep_center clearfix' id='{$data['domCountId']}'> For the Rep system, find this: <div class='rep_bar clearfix <if test="pos:|:!$data['position'] || $data['position'] == 'right'">right</if>' id='{$data['domCountId']}'> Replace it with this: <div class='rep_bar clearfix <if test="pos:|:!$data['position'] || $data['position'] == 'center'">rep_center</if>' id='{$data['domCountId']}'> Then make sure to add this to your CSS somewhere: .rep_center { text-align: center; }
    -1 points
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