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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2014 in all areas

  1. To an advanced webmaster, this guide is redundant. To an aspiring webmaster, this guide will outline the most common web page errors you may encounter. HTTP status codes are three-digit numbers that provide Web browsers with information about the page's status. You might see some of these errors while browsing the Internet, or you might have received them in your own hosting account. Here's a quick list to help you understand the most common error codes with suggestions for what to do to fix the error: 400 — Bad Request The Web server couldn't parse a malformed script. Most often, programming problems cause this issue. You should talk to your developer or software provider for help resolving this issue. 401 — Authentication Required This page requires a user name and password to access it. If you try to access it without it, you get a 401 — Authentication Required message. 403 — Forbidden Forbidden errors display when somebody tries to access a directory, file, or script without appropriate permissions. For example, if a script is readable only to the user and others cannot access the file, they'll see a 403 error. Invalid index files and empty directories can also cause 403 errors. 404 — Not Found If visitors access URLs that don't exist, they receive 404 errors. The cause can be anything from invalid URLs, missing files, or redirects to URLs that no longer exist. 500 — Internal Server Error This is a very general error that means there's a problem with the website displaying, but the details aren't readily available. Invalid .htaccess files, or invalid rules in them, commonly cause 500 errors with Linux based hosting accounts. With Windows based hosting accounts, it's most commonly invalid requests through a web.config file. To find out what causes the issue: Linux — Review your Apache® error logs. Windows — Enable detailed errors in your web.config file. For more information, check out the list of status code definitions at W3.org: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html
    1 point
  2. There are many ways for a site to get compromised however most are the same result, hackers either try to use your site to serve malicious files, or try to redirect your users to infected sites. Here are some things that are common that hackers do that you should look our for. 1. They will always try to leave behind a file or two as aback door into your system, it's a good idea to understand what files are good files and what files are bad. To do this you can compare the file set of your site to a fresh file set from a download. 2. Look for files with odd or random .php extensions, here are some examples, these are not exact names, but examples of a typical naming structure, they will either be short and sweet like sh.php or a random string followed my .php zx.php sh.php 123482379874hjsdf8734.php dsfjklsadjfklasdjfklads.php ipbfirewall.php When inspecting any files and you see any reference to ipbfirewall, this is not a real product or item, it's bad code left behind made to look like it belongs, so you can safely delete it. Example of IPB_Firewall code that IS NOT FROM IPS if ( ! defined( 'IPB_FIREWALL' ) ) { define('IPB_FIREWALL', 1); /** * NOTE: This is a protecting web-firewall module generated by Invision Power * Module includes security patch for high-risks vulnerability CVE-2012-5692 * Do not touch this file for security reasons * Please insert this code to as many php files as possible * * @package IP.Firewall * @version $Revision: 9544 $ * @md5 e66e6cadd6e13efea54ed50c0eb2d32b * @sha1 6966286d64352840245f5b2248545450 * @crc32 5f51554f5445225d293d3d2463732965 */ These are most commonly placed in the root directory, /cache, /public /uploads or other areas. 3. Another thing to look for are odd folder names, you can again compare your folder structure from a fresh download of files to compare them, they will often create odd names directories or try to mimic an existing name as well. Here is what a standard folder/file structure looks like for the forum directory Here is what a typical /cache folder looks like as well 4. If you see any odd files in those folders that do not belong, odds are they do not belong there, you can open the file to inspect the code as well to see if it looks like a legit file or not. Keep in mind if you have third party add ons or other apps installed, these can often also require other files. 5. After you have cleaned up any bad files, the next step is a fresh file upload of the board and all apps that you have installed. You can download these from the client area, upload them via FTP, making sure to over write any and all existing files. 6. After that is done, log into your admincp, and you will see a "Furl cache out of date error" please click the option to "Rebuild Furl Cache" to correct that error. This is normal and due to the new files that were just uploaded. 7. Rebuilding HTML & CSS and Recaching your skins. Often times there will be an infection deep inside of your templates or code left behind, this is done via a direct file edit to your skin files, rebuilding and recaching will often clear this out. To do this select "Look & Feel" from the tabs, then select "Manage Skins and Languages" Then on the left side you want to select "Template Tools You will then see an option to Rebuild Master Skin Data, select HTML & CSS from this and also all of your apps as below. After that is completed, then select the Template tools again and now at the top select "Re-Cache Skin Set's" 8. Often times a offender will also dig into your language files and infect them as well, to correct this, select "Look & Feel" > Manage Languages, on the language pack effected, select the drop down menu to the right and then "Rebuild from XML" This will rebuild your language files for you. If you are using a third party or custom language file, please re-import the language pack to correct any issues. 9. Another common issue that I have seen is offenders modifying your .htaccess, conf_global.php, initdata.phpor index.php files and adding extra code to them for re-directs or other purposes, please inspect all of your .htaccess index.php and conf_global.php files for proper code. Over writing the new file set for the board files will correct the index.php and initdata.php files, however not the .htaccess or conf_global.php 10. The last thing you want to make sure of is that you have changed all of your admins passwords on your forum, your FTP access details, and any control panel access as well. In most cases I even recommend updating your mysql database password too. See your host for details on that if you are not sure how to update the mysql password. 11. Reimporting your hooks is another item that should be done as well, from the admincp > manage hooks > re-import all hooks 12. The last step is to run the tools from the system security area Admincp > System > System > Security Center This is not my tutorial.. I just posted it here straight from IPS Knowledge Database
    1 point
  3. I just want to share this tutorial and i was implemanted to my board without any problem. The Result: Admin CP Result: Member List Result: Board Result: Posting Result: Tutorial: 1. Go to ACP > Member > Member Group > Manage Member Group 2. Click pencil from member group you want to costumize, like this 2. Copy and paste this to Group Formatting Prefix: <span style='color:white; background:#d11141; font-weight: bold; padding: 3px 8px; border-radius: 3px; text-shadow: #000 2px 2px 4px ;'> 3. And this to Group Formatting Suffix: </span> 4. Save/Complete edit and look your member group styles NB: - You can Apply this methode to all Member Group of your boards - Change background color (blue) and font color (red) to any colors you want. - If you want to applied this to all of your board pages you will need to install TB Group Format (just install, no editing needed) - Any question about this comment please Thanks Salam Please Thumbs Up this tutorial if it help you full
    1 point
  4. Greetings. In view of the fact that I had tried to find on the whole internet how to change position of Reputation Bar to the left side of posts and couldn't find it anywhere, now I know how to do it and here is the tutorial. Thanks to user Sanctuary, who told me how to change position of Like-button, so that I could easily find out how to change position of Rep-button. This tutorial shows how to move it to the left side of a post (see the screens below). If you would like to center it in the middle, see by Sanctuary. How to change position of Like button? Simply go to: ACP -> Look & Feel -> Your Skin -> Other Global Templates -> repButtons, find this: <div class='ipsLikeBar right clearfix' id='{$data['domCountId']}'> and replace it with: <div class='ipsLikeBar left clearfix' id='{$data['domCountId']}'> How to change position of Reputation buttons? Simply go to: ACP -> Look & Feel -> Your Skin -> Other Global Templates -> repButtons, find this: <div class='rep_bar clearfix <if test="pos:|:!$data['position'] || $data['position'] == 'right'">right</if>' id='{$data['domCountId']}'> and replace it with: <div class='rep_bar clearfix <if test="pos:|:!$data['position'] || $data['position'] == 'left'">left</if>' id='{$data['domCountId']}'>
    1 point
  5. 1. Open the CSS File style.css 2. Ctrl + F to find word 3. find this word backgroundBlue.jpg 4. replace with this word backgroundGreen.jpg
    1 point
  6. Just Open The Skins managemen and find for style.css and you can edited it as you want, ex background, font color end etc,,
    1 point
  7. Try this - go to ACP -> Manage Hooks -> Velvet configs (or something like this) In there, you should have the option. (If it works like my theme, not too familiar with Velvet unfortunately.)
    1 point
  8. Welcome to WebFlake. Enjoy your stay mate!
    1 point
  9. Final Verdict: The new WebFlake v4 skin is custom and property of this community. It will not be released, nor will you find it anywhere but here. Topic locked due to unrelated conversation.
    1 point
  10. i want to remove this line Like this forum
    -1 points
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