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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2014 in all areas

  1. ACP -> Look & Feel -> Your Skin -> Other Global Templates -> repButtons Find this: <div class='ipsLikeBar right clearfix' id='{$data['domCountId']}'> Replace with this: <div class='ipsLikeBar left clearfix' id='{$data['domCountId']}'>
    3 points
  2. Hey guys, Working on a forum design for my server: Vexation-Gaming, I thought I would post my progress here so that you guys can give feedback and say what you think! Please note that this design is nowhere near finished, and a lot is subject to change. Please base your opinions around this fact. *scan lines are a water-mark for antirip purposes.* This design has been showcased on multiple sites, this does not give you a right to redistribute it, please respect my wishes and not share this elsewhere without first consulting myself. Thank you.
    1 point
  3. Hello, My name is Nitr0x, I'm glad to see you all view my thread. Not a lot of people take there time to read these thing's. They like to just sign up online, and grab what they saw, and then just leave, and never return. Why is this? Idk, I can't explain these types of thing's to you. Do you expect me to know everything? Isn't that why I signed up on here because I need help? Idk, maybe I signed up here checking thing's out, or maybe I need to post here because that is what the rule's says. Either way I'm posting, so be happy ok? Don't get mad, get glad. Be happy that I'm taking my time out of my busy and useless life to come and show some respects to webflake.sx. Ok, I'm done with my rant, but I would like to let you know my name is Nitr0x, and I'm an html/php/mysql/css/photoshoper webmaster. I've done a lot of thing's with message board's such as hack them, crack them, create themes for them, rip them, and sell them. Crazy huh? Didn't know you could crack them huh? Well, you can if they have a license. So, you are wondering what type of guy I am huh? Well, ask me don't sit there and read this thread, and create a stupid little reply that say's [Oh, well glad to have you on board, or well look's like another high quality member]. Take the time to actually talk to me. Show me you have common respect, and show me that you are interested in what I have to say. Anyway, great forum guy's. I need to go post another thread. I got something that hasn't been leaked by noobs yet. You guys are the second people to get it! Kindest Regards, Nitr0x
    1 point
  4. I like it; Nice clean skin.
    1 point
  5. This should be the bottom part of the boardindextemplate <if test="showActive:|:$this->settings['show_active'] && $this->memberData['gbw_view_online_lists']"> <h4 class='statistics_head'>{parse expression="sprintf( $this->lang->words['online_right_now'], $stats['TOTAL'] )"} {$this->lang->words['active_users']}</h4> <p class='statistics_brief desc'> {parse expression="sprintf( $this->lang->words['active_users_detail'], $stats['MEMBERS'], $stats['GUESTS'], $stats['ANON'] )"} <if test="onlineListEnabled:|:$this->settings['allow_online_list']">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='{parse url="app=members&amp;module=online&amp;sort_order=desc" base="public"}' title='{$this->lang->words['online_link']}'>({$this->lang->words['online_link']})</a></if> </p> </if> <if test="activeNames:|:count($stats['NAMES']) && $this->settings['show_active']"> <br /> <p> <span class='name'>{parse expression="implode( ",</span> <span class='name'>", $stats['NAMES'] )"}</span> </p> </if> </div>
    1 point
  6. http://bmsgoathouse.com/index.php?/topic/1-rules-guidelines/#entry1 The postbit looks gone http://puu.sh/9XFxj/2bc14934a6.png Using theme "Haze" Nevermind. This is normal :$
    1 point
  7. Add this to the conf file. location ~ .(jpe?g|png|gif)$ { valid_referers none blocked mysite.com *.mysite.com; if ($invalid_referer) { return 403; } } Of course change it to your site from mysite.com ..
    1 point
  8. ACP -> Look & Feel -> Look & Feel -> Template Tools. Look for this: And fill it out as it fits you
    1 point
  9. Then find the code for the post count, remove it, and replace it with this: <if test="postCount:|:$author['member_id']"> <li class='post_count desc lighter uip'> <span class='leftinfo'>{$this->lang->words['m_posts']}:</span> <span class='rightinfo'>{parse expression="$this->registry->getClass('class_localization')->formatNumber( intval( $author['posts'] ) )"}</span> </li> </if> <li class='uip'> <span class='leftinfo'>Joined:</span> <span class='rightinfo'>{parse date="$author['joined']" format="DATE"}</span> </li> <li class='uip'> <span class='leftinfo'>Reputation:</span> <span class='rightinfo'>{$author['pp_reputation_points']}</span> </li> Then add this to your CSS: .leftinfo { float: left; color: #505050; text-transform: capitalize; } .rightinfo { float: right; color: #818181; } .uip { display: inline-block; width: 100%; }
    1 point
  10. i'm getting errors when trying to install themes
    1 point
  11. I will have an update for this as soon as possible. Thanks for all the comments, even if over two months ago, your support has not gone unnoticed. EDIT: I've kinda pushed expectations with this. I've decided to go on and design the Shoutbox as well, just to get a feel of some more aspects of the design. Next will be the categories, and then the statistics area. The sidebar won't start until below the sidebar. Looking forward to designing the rest of this!!!
    1 point
  12. Or, simply press CTRL + Shift + Delete. Works on Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer.
    1 point
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