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More and more websites are starting to use Font Glyphs or Font Icons. They're easy to make, easy to pick from and their incredibly light weight compared to independent images or even sprites. What are the major advantages of using Icon Fonts? They are vector, which means they can scale indefinitely without losing quality They are lightweight They are supported by every browser You can add almost any thinkable text css to them (shadows, colors, rotation, gradients) Takes fewer HTTP requests to your server = less load :3 So what are disadvantages of using Icon Fonts? Screenreaders may misinterpret fonticons, reading them out loud DUSTY OLD BROWSERS cannot render font icons. But really, who uses IE7 anymore. You can only serve font icons in a single color -or- in a gradient. No fancy multicolor rainbow awesomeness. Firefox sometimes renders icon fonts with a larger font-weight (bolder), so they may look differently on there. The top list of FREE icon Fonts Foundation 3 - 283 beautiful icons with rounded corners Font Awesome - 439 icons in a constantly updated icon font Google Material Icons - Over 200 icons by google. IconSweets - 60 icons by YummyGum (has a paid v2) IcoMoon - 450 free beautiful icons, with editor on site if you want to pay HeyDings - 60 pretty awesome webfont icons Open Iconic - 223 icons in a lightweight and beautiful package (.woff = 12.4kb!) Sosa - 160+ icons Glyphish - 200 free icons (you must provide credit), also has a paid version of $100 for over 1500 icons Glyphicons - 470 free icons and 50 free social icons Batch - 300+ icons for use on the web and apps, now free Brankic1979 - 350 pixel perfect icons, scalable to any size IconMinia - 139 vector icons Octicons - by GitHub, usable in any of your projects So there you have it, pretty icon fonts for free, available for you to use in your projects. Most come with a handy-dandy instruction page aswell. If you have any additional icon fonts and you would like to see them back on this list, do not fear to comment down below!1 point
Hello, I am currently designing new IPB skin and i would like to see your feedbacks. My skin is still under construction so its not yet complete i will only show portions of it. I am planning on making the skin fully responsive and making different color schemes of it {Orange, Red, Green and Purple} And it will be easily changed through the advanced configuration file you will get within the skin. The skin will be for sale for 20$ The first release will include the main apps "Board & Members" The second and other updates will include the other apps, bugs solutions, and any additional features. I will be giving full lifetime support on all of my new skins on my website (under construction too) "After certain amount of customers it would be 1 year support then minimum 6-months support. As i am a new web-designer this is my first skin to be shared for sale. But later on after this i will make even better skins so hope you will like my first one. Waiting your feedbacks and thanks in advance.1 point
After looking at this screenshot This area looks very clunky and muddled, very messy in my opinion.1 point
1 point
Greetings. I needed to hide authors (submitters) in IP Downloads, so that my uploaders could post files anonymously ( ). In view of the fact that I couldn't find on the web how to do it, I found it out by myself and wrote this tutorial in order to help people who has similar problem. I tried to find everything with what someone could trace usernames of submitters. Nevertheless, I could overlook something. If so, feel free to contact me, so that I could add it to this tutorial. ___________________________________________________________________________ There is an image included in every step. There you can see what do you remove in the step. Everything except the last step (8.) is configurable via ACP --> Look & Feel --> Manage Styles --> YOUR-STYLE-NAME --> Templates --> Downloads category 1. Delete submitter in file's overview. IMG: How to: Find the template called "fileDisplay" and remove following lines: <h3 class='bar'>{$this->lang->words['submitter']}</h3> <div class='ipsPad clearfix ipsSideBlock' id='submitter_info'> {parse template="userSmallPhoto" group="global" params="$file"} <span class='ipsType_subtitle ipsPad'> <if test="guestsubmitter:|:$file['file_submitter'] == 0 OR !$file['members_display_name']">{$this->lang->words['global_guestname']}<else />{parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$file"}</if> <if test="canchangeauthor:|:$this->registry->getClass('idmFunctions')->checkPerms( $file, 'modchangeauthor' )"> <a href='#' id='change_author' rel='{$file['file_id']}' title='{$this->lang->words['change_author']}'><img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/display_name.png' alt='' title='{$this->lang->words['change_author']}' /></a> </if> </span> <if test="filesearchauthor:|:$file['file_submitter']"> <br /><a class='ipsPad' href='{parse url="app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&search_app=downloads&mid={$file['file_submitter']}" base="public"}'>{$this->lang->words['viewmember_other_files']}</a> </if> </div> <if test="canchangeauthorform:|:$this->registry->getClass('idmFunctions')->checkPerms( $file, 'modchangeauthor' )"> <div class='pad clearfix' id='change_author_box' style='display: none'> <form style='display:inline;' action='{parse url="app=downloads&module=moderate&section=moderate&do=updateAuthor&id={$file['file_id']}&secure_key={$this->member->form_hash}" base="public"}' method='post'> <label for="change_author_input"><strong>{$this->lang->words['change_author_name']}</strong></label> <input type='text' class='input_text' name='change_author_input' id='change_author_input' /> <input type='submit' class='input_submit' value='{$this->lang->words['change_author_submit']}' /> </form> </div> </if> 2. Delete submitter in categories. IMG: How to: Find the template called "categoryListing" and delete: {$this->lang->words['_by']} <if test="catusername:|:$data['member_id']">{parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$data"}<else />{$this->lang->words['global_guestname']}</if> 3. Delete Top Authors. IMG: How to: Find the template called "downloadsPortal" and delete: {parse template="portalSidebarBlock" group="downloads" params="$this->lang->words['top_authors'], $this->lang->words['portal_no_users'], $feeds['topusers'], 'author', '', 'author'"} 4. Delete submitters in Top Downloads. IMG: How to: Find the template called "portalSidebarBlockInsert" and delete: <div class='desc blend_links'>{$this->lang->words['_by']} {parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$item"}</div> 5. Delete submitters in What's New & Highest Rated. IMG: How to: Find the template called "portalPanelItem" and delete: <span>{$this->lang->words['_by']} {parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$item"}</span><br /> 6. Delete Latest Submitter (lower panel) IMG: How to: Find the template called "pageEnd" and delete: <li class='clear'> {$latest_author} {$this->lang->words['latest_submitter']} </li> 7. Delete submitter in file (Downloads) searching. IMG: How to: Find the template called "fileSearchResult" and delete: {parse template="userSmallPhoto" group="global" params="$data"} AND <li><if test="catuserid:|:$data['member_id']">{parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$data"}<else />{$this->lang->words['global_guestname']}</if></li> 8. Delete Files tab in profile. IMG: How to: Go to FTP and delete folder called "profileTabs". It is located in: */admin/applications_addon/ips/downloads/extensions/ It's Done!1 point
1 point
It's looking great. It's got a lot of potential, I'd focus mainly on something users really feel for which at this moment is the users profile. Make it smexy Good luck with the rest of it buddy, I can't wait1 point
I can rate your work with 9/10 but the design is very poor 6/10 Suggestions: Try change the category style Edit: Better, good luck on sales1 point
1 point
Well to be honest ,this whole thing with copyrights are goes way to far,and many of companys TOS paragraphs/articles are brakeing some lows also.They cant do what ever they wan't you know,just so you know.Every country has low for copy right protection but that low also put many restriction on copyright owner and like I said most companys TOS are even 30-50% aginest these lows,but users never check this.I will give you one good example for web hosting companys,they terminate accounts very often but in 99% case users can get money back but they don't know how to do this. If you read web hosting companys TOS you will found in every that say "no refund in TOS" for what ever reason,well gues what I'm provider and i can't do anything when customer ask for refund(if he has justification and if ask on right place),why because every payment merchant has own refund policy and only that policy is valid not mine,also these refund policys are strict. 2checkout has even suport sistme for end users and they don't give shit about provider policy,also if you pay with CC you can ask refund 6-12 months(depending which CC is) after payment directly in your bank or from merchant procesor who provide virtual terminal ,and provider can do anything(like I said if you have justification) because every merchants have own policy and they all hold some % of every transaction for 1-3 months just in case refund is requested.Ask any provider and they will tell you that charge backs after even 3-6 months are nothing un usual,I had one 7 months after payment. So it is not like they can do anything they want,sure they can write in TOS what ever they want and even terminate your account but you can still get your money back,vbulletin also use merchant for cc procesing it is easy to find which is,after that you just need to look in merchant AUP/TOS and find hole,if that won't help than you can ask help from your bank.Companys TOS/AUP(I own company and I can tell for sure) is not ,and have not, any legal authority.Heck,where did you hear that every moron can write legal article,TOS / AUP must be matched with tens or more laws, some providers are understand this as a legal way to rob users, but in reality it does not work that way.1 point
-1 points