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More and more websites are starting to use Font Glyphs or Font Icons. They're easy to make, easy to pick from and their incredibly light weight compared to independent images or even sprites. What are the major advantages of using Icon Fonts? They are vector, which means they can scale indefinitely without losing quality They are lightweight They are supported by every browser You can add almost any thinkable text css to them (shadows, colors, rotation, gradients) Takes fewer HTTP requests to your server = less load :3 So what are disadvantages of using Icon Fonts? Screenreaders may misinterpret fonticons, reading them out loud DUSTY OLD BROWSERS cannot render font icons. But really, who uses IE7 anymore. You can only serve font icons in a single color -or- in a gradient. No fancy multicolor rainbow awesomeness. Firefox sometimes renders icon fonts with a larger font-weight (bolder), so they may look differently on there. The top list of FREE icon Fonts Foundation 3 - 283 beautiful icons with rounded corners Font Awesome - 439 icons in a constantly updated icon font Google Material Icons - Over 200 icons by google. IconSweets - 60 icons by YummyGum (has a paid v2) IcoMoon - 450 free beautiful icons, with editor on site if you want to pay HeyDings - 60 pretty awesome webfont icons Open Iconic - 223 icons in a lightweight and beautiful package (.woff = 12.4kb!) Sosa - 160+ icons Glyphish - 200 free icons (you must provide credit), also has a paid version of $100 for over 1500 icons Glyphicons - 470 free icons and 50 free social icons Batch - 300+ icons for use on the web and apps, now free Brankic1979 - 350 pixel perfect icons, scalable to any size IconMinia - 139 vector icons Octicons - by GitHub, usable in any of your projects So there you have it, pretty icon fonts for free, available for you to use in your projects. Most come with a handy-dandy instruction page aswell. If you have any additional icon fonts and you would like to see them back on this list, do not fear to comment down below!2 points
Preview: AdminCP > Look and Feel > [your skin] -> Board Index -> boardIndexTemplate Find <foreach loop="side_blocks:$side_blocks as $block"> {$block} </foreach> Add before: <if test="memberbox:|:$this->memberData['member_id']"> <div class='ipsSideBlock clearfix'> <h3>Welcome, <a href="{parse url="showuser={$this->memberData['member_id']}" seotitle="{$this->memberData['members_seo_name']}" template="showuser" base="public"}" title='{$this->lang->words['your_profile']}'> {$this->memberData['members_display_name']}</a></h3> <div class='_sbcollapsable'> <center class='desc member_title'> <if test="$this->memberData['title'] != ''"> {$this->memberData['title']}<br /> </if> <br /> <a href="{parse url="showuser={$this->memberData['member_id']}" seotitle="{$this->memberData['members_seo_name']}" template="showuser" base="public"}" title='{$this->lang->words['your_profile']}'> <img src='{$this->memberData['pp_main_photo']}'></a> <br /><br /> <center> <span style=' font-size: 14px;'>{$this->memberData['prefix']}{$this->memberData['g_title']}{$this->memberData['suffix']}</span><br /><br /> Posts: {$this->memberData['posts']}<br /> Profile views: {$this->memberData['members_profile_views']}<br /> Member No.: {$this->memberData['member_id']}<br> Joined: {parse date="$this->memberData['joined']" format="joined"} <br /><br /> Your IP: {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} <br /><br /> <div style='background:#0f2437 ;padding: 7px; color: #fff; font-weight: bold'>{$this->memberData['pp_reputation_points']} </div> </center> </div> </div> </if> To change background color from Reputaton, just edit: <div style='background:#0f2437 ;padding: 7px; color: #fff; font-weight: bold'>{$this->memberData['pp_reputation_points']}</div>1 point
1. Pull the pin. 2. Throw it far from the boat. 3. Net the stunned and dead fish. These guys forgot step 2. Oh and they are most likely from Kentucky1 point
The first round of selections for our Support Team is completed and the results are in! Please show some support and gratitude for the newest additions: DragonVoid and kamasek.1 point
I can confirm that I've received nothing from Hidden that would indicate any desire to leave the team. In fact, quite the opposite. Hidden has been constructive and attentive in all internal discussions and clearly still has a place here on the team. @Hidden - I apologize that this sort of rumor is running rampant. I personally have seen no mention of it aside from discussions I've pointed you to myself, and sincerely hope that the drama llamas don't deter you going forward!1 point
Not a problem. The smileys bar does have navigation buttons. There's about 2 1/2 rows of smileys.1 point
1 point
goto: ACP > LOOK and FEEL > your skin click on it > TOPIC VIEW > TOPICVIEW TEMPLATE and replace this code ipb.templates['post_moderation'] = new Template("<div id='comment_moderate_box' class='ipsFloatingAction' style='display: none'><span class='desc'>{$this->lang->words['comment_action_count']} </span><select id='tactInPopup' class='input_select'><option value='approve'>{$this->lang->words['cpt_approve']}</option><option value='delete'>{$this->lang->words['cpt_hide']}</option><option value='sundelete'>{$this->lang->words['cpt_undelete']}</option><option value='deletedo'>{$this->lang->words['cpt_delete']}</option><option value='merge'>{$this->lang->words['cpt_merge']}</option><option value='split'>{$this->lang->words['cpt_split']}</option><option value='move'>{$this->lang->words['cpt_move']}</option></select> <input type='button' class='input_submit' id='submitModAction' value='{$this->lang->words['comments_act_go']}' /></div>"); replace with: ipb.topic.modPerms = []; <if test="$this->memberData['g_is_supmod']"> ipb.topic.modPerms['approve'] = 1; ipb.topic.modPerms['delete'] = 1; ipb.topic.modPerms['hide'] = 1; ipb.topic.modPerms['unhide'] = 1; ipb.topic.modPerms['merge'] = 1; ipb.topic.modPerms['split'] = 1; ipb.topic.modPerms['move'] = 1; <else /> <if test="isset( $this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $forum['id'] ] )"> ipb.topic.modPerms['approve'] = {$this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $forum['id'] ]['post_q']}; ipb.topic.modPerms['delete'] = {$this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $forum['id'] ]['delete_post']}; ipb.topic.modPerms['hide'] = {$this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $forum['id'] ]['bw_mod_soft_delete']}; ipb.topic.modPerms['unhide'] = {$this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $forum['id'] ]['bw_mod_un_soft_delete']}; ipb.topic.modPerms['merge'] = {$this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $forum['id'] ]['split_merge']}; ipb.topic.modPerms['split'] = {$this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $forum['id'] ]['split_merge']}; ipb.topic.modPerms['move'] = {$this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $forum['id'] ]['split_merge']}; </if> </if> ipb.templates['post_moderation'] = new Template("<div id='comment_moderate_box' class='ipsFloatingAction' style='display: none'><span class='desc'>{$this->lang->words['comment_action_count']} </span><select id='tactInPopup' class='input_select'><option value='approve'>{$this->lang->words['cpt_approve']}</option><option value='delete'>{$this->lang->words['cpt_hide']}</option><option value='sundelete'>{$this->lang->words['cpt_undelete']}</option><option value='deletedo'>{$this->lang->words['cpt_delete']}</option><option value='merge'>{$this->lang->words['cpt_merge']}</option><option value='split'>{$this->lang->words['cpt_split']}</option><option value='move'>{$this->lang->words['cpt_move']}</option></select> <input type='button' class='input_submit' id='submitModAction' value='{$this->lang->words['comments_act_go']}' /></div>"); goto: ACP > LOOK and FEEL > your skin click on it > FORUM VIEW > FORUMINDEX TEMPLATE find this should be near the top though ipb.templates['topic_moderation'] = new Template("<div id='comment_moderate_box' class='ipsFloatingAction' style='display: none'><span class='desc'>{$this->lang->words['f_comment_action_count']} </span><select id='tactInPopup' class='input_select'></select> <input type='button' class='input_submit' id='submitModAction' value='{$this->lang->words['comments_act_go']}' /></div>"); and replace it with ipb.forums.modPerms = []; <if test="$this->memberData['g_is_supmod']"> ipb.forums.modPerms['approve'] = 1; ipb.forums.modPerms['delete'] = 1; ipb.forums.modPerms['hide'] = 1; ipb.forums.modPerms['unhide'] = 1; ipb.forums.modPerms['pin'] = 1; ipb.forums.modPerms['unpin'] = 1; ipb.forums.modPerms['open'] = 1; ipb.forums.modPerms['close'] = 1; ipb.forums.modPerms['move'] = 1; ipb.forums.modPerms['merge'] = 1; <else /> <if test="isset( $this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $forum_data['id'] ] )"> ipb.forums.modPerms['approve'] = {$this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $forum_data['id'] ]['topic_q']}; ipb.forums.modPerms['delete'] = {$this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $forum_data['id'] ]['delete_topic']}; ipb.forums.modPerms['hide'] = {$this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $forum_data['id'] ]['bw_mod_soft_delete']}; ipb.forums.modPerms['unhide'] = {$this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $forum_data['id'] ]['bw_mod_un_soft_delete']}; ipb.forums.modPerms['pin'] = {$this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $forum_data['id'] ]['pin_topic']}; ipb.forums.modPerms['unpin'] = {$this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $forum_data['id'] ]['unpin_topic']}; ipb.forums.modPerms['open'] = {$this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $forum_data['id'] ]['open_topic']}; ipb.forums.modPerms['close'] = {$this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $forum_data['id'] ]['close_topic']}; ipb.forums.modPerms['move'] = {$this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $forum_data['id'] ]['move_topic']}; ipb.forums.modPerms['merge'] = {$this->memberData['forumsModeratorData'][ $forum_data['id'] ]['split_merge']}; </if> </if> ipb.templates['topic_moderation'] = new Template("<div id='comment_moderate_box' class='ipsFloatingAction' style='display: none'><span class='desc'>{$this->lang->words['f_comment_action_count']} </span><select id='tactInPopup' class='input_select'></select> <input type='button' class='input_submit' id='submitModAction' value='{$this->lang->words['comments_act_go']}' /></div>"); Screen Shots: Forum View Screen Shots: Topic View1 point
0 points
Frequently Asked Questions The following are questions frequently asked by members of the community. The answers to these questions are subject to change at the discretion of WebFlake Staff at any given time. This list will be updated as needed. 1. What is this "You have exceeded the maximum amount of downloads allotted to you by the administrator for the day" error? WebFlake currently enforces a daily download cap, limiting various groups to a varying number of downloads per day. Newbies, Members, and Advanced Members are capped at 4, 5, and 6, respectively. When donating at least $10 USD, you'll gain access to our Frost tier which unlocks a cap of 12 per day. For $25 USD or more, you'll gain access to our Snow tier and 20 downloads per day. Finally, for $50 USD or more, you'll gain access to our +Blizzard tier, unlocking 50 downloads per day. The only other usergroups not subject to this cap (aside from Staff) are Uploaders and Support Team. 2. Why do I keep receiving the 'maximum downloads' error when I've only downloaded one file? This could be a result of any number of issues. The most likely being that you are using some sort of a download accelerator, whether it be a browser extension or software running on your machine. Some users will experience difficulty with downloads while using a download accelerator. The issue could also be: Double-clicking a Download button Poor internet connection High latency between your PC and the WebFlake server 3. Can I have my download cap reset? The short answer is no. In its current iteration, the Downloads system does not allow for such a thing and even if it did, we still wouldn't do it. 4. Why am I unable to post in the Requests area(s)? To submit a request for a file, you must have at least 15 non-spam posts. If you flood our forums with 'thanks' posts, or generic five word phrases, your posts will be deleted and any submitted requests will be removed as well. Habitual offenders will be banned. 5. Am I allowed to share my account with other people, or have more than one account? No and no. While we cannot prevent you from sharing your account with other users, we will ban your account if we detect that you are. Any violations committed by individuals using your account is still your responsibility. If you are in need of another account for family or spouses living under the same roof, you may contact a Head Moderator or Administrator. 6. What do I do if I am banned? Absolutely nothing. There are no second chances. If you believe you have been banned unjustly, you may contact us via Facebook, Twitter, or via our Contact Form. Do not attempt to create another account. Please be ready to provide corroborating evidence that proves you have been unjustly banned. 99.99% of unjust banning claims are proven to be false. 7. Can I sell content on WebFlake? Only via our Marketplace. There you may sell, buy, hire, or trade content. Please be aware that you must review our Marketplace Guidelines before posting. 8. Am I allowed to 'bump' my topic? According to our Community Guidelines, topic bumping is permitted ONCE every two (2) days. Bumping that occurs earlier than 48 hours after the creation of the topic or the last response, or multiple bumps in a two day span, will result in a warning being issued and your topic being archived. It is inconsiderate of other users patiently awaiting a resolution to their support requests. After a period of 2 weeks, your topic will be auto-archived by the system, and you are free to re-post it. 9. What happened to the old Donator system? We've recently overhauled our donation system and introduced a tiered membership. See this thread for what we currently offer donators and how it compares to regular membership on WebFlake. 10. Why was my Private Messaging ability removed? If you find you are unable to send or receive private messages and you did not disable it yourself, your permissions were likely revoked as a result of sending unsolicited support PMs or advertising (the most common being the former). Sending a PM asking for support, without the express request of the recipient, is considered sending an unsolicited support request. Doing so is a violation of our guidelines and will result in your PM ability being permanently revoked. 11. Can my warning point(s) be removed? Unless an appeal has been approved by a Head Moderator or Administrator, the warning (and any associated points) are will remain on your account indefinitely. It is an extremely rare occurrence that we feel compelled to reverse a warning and/or remove infraction points. 12. How can I advertise on WebFlake? For all intents and purposes, advertising is prohibited. However, per our signature policy, you may have one link and/or an image of 200 pixels in height. Remember, the link cannot be to a site of similar nature to WebFlake and it must not contain pornographic or other lewd content. You may advertise services such as "ripping" or design via our Marketplace. We also offer an advertising package, which will allow for a banner and/or thread to be created and shared on WebFlake. NOTE: Advertising of independent hosting services (such as reseller) is expressly forbidden. Only Administrators, Head Moderators, Moderators and approved members of the overall WebFlake Team (Junior Mods, Uploaders, Support Team and Retired Staff) are permitted to offer hosting services. This is to prevent potential scams or otherwise unfortunate scenarios. See the Community Guidelines for more information. 13. What should I do if I see a post or topic that is violating the guidelines? Under no circumstances should you ever attempt to "mini-mod". Actions considered to be mini-modding are: "Calling out" the user Publicly stating that the post or topic is in violation of the guidelines Citing the guidelines to embarrass or annoy the user Sending the user a harassing Private Message or profile post Simply report the post, reference the rule being violated (if applicable), and let it alone. 14. Why was X user banned or warned? Putting it bluntly, it's none of your concern. We respect our users' privacy on WebFlake and any actions taken against an account is confidential. We will never disclose the details surrounding a banning or moderated post/topic unless it is absolutely necessary. 15. How do I get promoted or become a member of Staff? Only one auto-promotion exists and that is from Member to Advanced Member when the former reaches 50 posts. Eligible users are welcome to apply for a Junior Moderator role (via our Junior Moderator Program), as well as Support Team or Uploader. Asking to be added to our team outside of an application will automatically disqualify you for life. In short, if we believe you have the ability, the tools, and the drive required to contribute something to our team, we will select you. 16. When should I PM a Staff member? Unless requested, you should only PM a Staff member when: You need further clarification on our policies Wish to discuss a warning or suspension issued against your account Need to create secondary accounts for family / spouses Having issues contacting Phun or myself (other Staff can send us reminders) Friendly correspondence such as simple conversation or perhaps an invite to a fantasy league is acceptable Do NOT send Staff PMs for support, complaints about other members, to report a file broken, or anything that can be handled through the appropriate systems and channels. 17. Can I get a preview of the donator content? No. You are not entitled to any premium content by donating. We are generous enough to offer premium content as a perk. The definition of a "donation" is the act of giving without expecting anything in return. Whether our premium content is incentive enough to donate is irrelevant. There are many people who donate selflessly, and others who do it for the other account related perks such as unlimited downloads and the title that sets them apart from the rest. 18. How do I submit a file, or why is it taking so long for my submission to be approved? To submit a file, simply click on the Downloads tab at the top of the page and click the green Submit A File button directly beneath our featured files. Alternatively, you can navigate directly to the appropriate category and submit the file there. Once you have filled out the necessary fields for submitting a file (screenshots, file details, etc), Staff will be alerted to a new file pending review. We will download, scan, and review the file's contents before approving it. We do this to ensure the safety of our users and to prevent advertising. Please do not spam topics or badger Staff members, begging for faster file approval. 19. Why was my file not approved or deleted? The most common reasons a file is not approved (or deleted), are: It was a duplicate submission (we already have what you submitted) The file submitted is in our Subscriber database and is not allowed to be shared publicly (only applies to public submissions, obviously) The file contained advertisements or malicious files/code The file was reported broken by too many users and removed To determine the exact reason a file was removed, you'll need to contact a member of our Staff. We don't often keep "notes" of removed files, so if your file was removed a week ago, don't expect a definitive answer. If you submit a file that contains inappropriate content, you will be notified upon deletion of the file as you'll likely earn a warning. 20. Where have the download topics gone? They've been hidden as they were not used appropriately by many. Instead, if you need assistance with any particular skin, hook, application, plugin, etc.. create a support topic in the corresponding forum and be sure to name the file you're having issues with, as well as a version. Linking to it would be even better. To access our Downloads, simply click the Downloads link at the top of the site. 21. Am I allowed to submit my own "nulls"? No. If you submit your own nulls, they will be deleted. Only members of our trusted Uploader group have the privilege of submitting nulled content. 22. How can I change my display name? Members are not permitted to change their display name by default. However, you have two options: Donate at least $10 and you'll unlock the Frost tier, granting you the ability to alter your display name. Contact Phun or Davlin via private message and request a display name adjustment. Please note that if you choose this option, you must provide a valid reason. Simply not liking your name, for example, is not a valid reason. 23. Where is the MyBB and vBulletin content? We officially dropped our support for MyBB as of March 1st, 2014. This particular forum package is free as it is and free support is offered via the MyBB community forums. It's a bit redundant for us to continue to support a product with waning interest here at WebFlake. vBulletin support was dropped as of February 16th, 2015 for lack of interest. 24. Where can I get support for IPB 3.4.x content? As of April 3rd, 2017, WebFlake has designated IPB 3.4.x content and older as "legacy software" (more info). We've created a temporary forum, IPB 3.4 Legacy Discussion, for you to continue seeking peer-to-peer support from other members until IPS 4.2 becomes available, at which point we will discontinue IPB 3.4.x on WebFlake entirely.-1 points