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  1. kamasek



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2014 in all areas

  1. A work in progress currently for a new IPB Theme. Gonna be pretty innovative. (I haven't yet designed said "innovative" aspects yet) And for those who may be asking "Where's the username?!" Well, the username will be displayed when you hover on the avatar, in the same style as the "Click to Change Style" area, and when you click, this dropdown (or right? haha) appears. Hoping to get this coded and sell it. Been working on this for a very large amount of time, will be easily the most worked on design of mine haha.
    2 points
  2. Good luck to both of you!! Keep it up:)
    2 points
  3. Wow. This looks simply awesome! I love purple, so that's a plus for me But the layout is awesome. Clean and sleek, simple yet looks beautiful! Keep up the good work!
    2 points
  4. I love it.. Everything but the colors. I guess purple is not my color. Keep up the good work.
    2 points
  5. Holy shit you are a fucking genius, please make this a working ipb skin. If you can get the forums and sidebar stuff to look right then damn, i congratulate you.
    2 points
  6. This is a relatively simple tutorial. Most people do this by deleting a line of code, but what we will be doing is commenting it out. I do it this way so if for whatever reason I want to enable it in the future, I can do so without having to do too much work. The steps are as follows: Go into your Admin Control Panel Click the "Look & Feel" button. Click the name of the skin you are currently using on your board. In the left hand side, click on the category "Board Index", then click on "boardIndexTemplate". Find this code: <a href='#' id='toggle_sidebar' title='{$this->lang->words['toggle_sidebar']}' data-closed="{$this->lang->words['_laquo']}" data-open="&times;">&nbsp;</a> And replace it with this code: <!--<a href='#' id='toggle_sidebar' title='{$this->lang->words['toggle_sidebar']}' data-closed="{$this->lang->words['_laquo']}" data-open="&times;">&nbsp;</a>--> That's it! Go and check your sidebars to make sure, though. It may be a good idea to recache your skins, but I didn't find it necessary. If you are wondering what that did, essentially all we did was commented the code out so the browser ignores it. If for whatever reason you wish to undo what we did, just remove the <!-- and --> at the beginning and end of the modified code. If you think you will forget this, there is always that handy dandy bookmark feature Hope this helps out some people!
    1 point
  7. The first round of selections for our Support Team is completed and the results are in! Please show some support and gratitude for the newest additions: DragonVoid and kamasek.
    1 point
  8. Well the variables used in the code there are: {$this->lang->words['topics']} {$this->lang->words['replies']} So if you want to change those words across your installation, it'll be easier for you to edit the language pack and change these accordingly.
    1 point
  9. The colors... oh how I love the colors.
    1 point
  10. you do realise that it's your ip and no one can see this as it's your sidebar?...
    1 point
  11. Sorry for being an ass hole and not using the search bar ^_^ thanks!
    1 point
  12. Well for searchers, there's a mod called "Secondary group icons"... However i agree that this should be "built-in" functionality.
    1 point
  13. I personally agree too with the color schemes, great work + congrats!
    1 point
  14. Ok, some next update of index page. I think it's finished for now and I will foucs on forums & topics section Also I've prepared new logo, because the previous one was simply awful And some screen of forum view
    1 point
  15. In future I will add color schemes for sure Thanks for comments!
    1 point
  16. Ok. As I said before I've started coding it today. Here are first results Also I've decided that theme will be named FluFiolet What do You think about it so far?
    1 point
  17. I would like to send out a personal thanks to Phun and Davlin and the rest of the staff for putting me on the support team. And congratulations to you Kamasek for making the team also.
    1 point
  18. Congrats to both of you! Wish i knew half of what you do lol.
    1 point
  19. Thanks for giving me chance. I will do my best to help our awesome community DragonVoid - congrats to You !
    1 point
  20. Congratulations to both DragonVoid and kamasek and commiserations to all other applicants. Better luck next time!
    1 point
  21. Some minor update Probably i will start coding in next few days, and next updates will be showed "live" via screenshots from IP.Board installation
    1 point
  22. Looks good so far, keep up the good work! Really interested in seeing the finished product. I also think you should do multiple color schemes of this skin, like a blue, grey, etc.
    1 point
  23. they are good, I just don't understand the language XD.
    1 point
  24. I will have an update for this as soon as possible. Thanks for all the comments, even if over two months ago, your support has not gone unnoticed. EDIT: I've kinda pushed expectations with this. I've decided to go on and design the Shoutbox as well, just to get a feel of some more aspects of the design. Next will be the categories, and then the statistics area. The sidebar won't start until below the sidebar. Looking forward to designing the rest of this!!!
    1 point
  25. Hard to get motivated to go any further because of the unlikelihood of anyone coding the theme...
    1 point
  26. Wow I really like this... I would really buy this..
    1 point
  27. this is beautfiul! wow
    1 point
  28. anymore updates to the skin?
    1 point
  29. It's looking good dude!
    1 point
  30. Looks like it'll turn out as an amazing skin
    1 point
  31. Really nice, but can i ask, did you get the idea from ipbfangorns new skin, because they made a similar skin here look http://www.ipbfangorn.net/demo/skinchange.php?id=16
    1 point
  32. Wow, have not seen such a great looking skin for IPB in a long time. Seems you have invested quite some time in this. Looking forward to seeing the finishing results. Keep up the good work
    1 point
  33. Thanks The categories I actually plan to make the most innovative of it all haha. They will be displayed normally individually, however, they will be displayed horizontally, with a simple arrow control panel above the categories to kinda transition between the categories. Of course, that will kinda be like a version 2 of the theme, for those who would prefer to keep their original layout haha. Statistics and everything will still stay in a fixed position of course while the categories transition. Oh lord, since you brought it up, I went to go look at it, their icons look gross XD Hopefully when mine is done it looks better than that, to be honest, haha.
    1 point
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