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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2014 in all areas

  1. Right now our caching is mostly done through CloudFlare. Been tempted to set-up railgun aswell on a dedicated box with nginx besides it to see if there's any significant performance gains. We currently still run on our good ol' apache. We currently do not make use of opcode caching, but i've recently turned on Query caching to see if that makes any difference. If you've had SQL running for a few days, grab a copy of the pearl script "MySQLTuner.pl" and run that in your server's command line. You'll get recommendations through there for editing your my.cnf.
    1 point
  2. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
    1 point
  3. Most likely not.. There is a chance but it is very slim.
    1 point
  4. ACP > Manage Hooks > Reimport Applications Hooks ?
    1 point
  5. For the status updates.. Make sure the hook is enabled.. And for the recent topics you can use this.. If you don't like that, then give this a try.
    1 point
  6. hi well have you added your site to the search engines to find it ?? just adding it once is not going to wash google and bing and others may have been by but they have long gone again you need atleast a daily visit from them all google and others wont look for you if you dont atleast help them first secondly your site only-ph.info i has the word INFO at the end tricky one for a start you want somthing like a .com or uk ect info sites and others that use those terms need some serious work to get noticed unless your data is constant and fresh then you will become invisible pretty much as really your under niche terms in a way also domain name age if you are very new then you need to step up and get noticed quickly get your site filled with info/posts/members/ get noticed that can help heres a few that could help you try using this http://www.entireweb.com/ use there free site submission service easy to do then try this http://pingomatic.com/ let it ping your url WARNING DONT OVER DO IT ONCE A WEEK PING OR EVERY 2 WEEKS IS ENOUGH OVER DO IT AND THEY GET WAIRY this site has some good handy tools aswell http://www.webconfs.com/ worst case is you have been whats known as sandboxed by google not the end of it all just need to know why they have sandboxed you and how to get out of it but i dont see what myself i just think that you have not been noticed for the search engines to come visiting to cache your contents do you allow bots to visit you are using an invisionboard set it up right it has a pretty good seo section now built in i use the latest invisionboard myself fully legal also is it legal ? you may have been black listed by invisionboard who where seriously on the hunt for illigal boards to get blocked and blacklisted it really is at this point hard to say but try the suggestions i have put i no expert but these have helped me and hard work aswell hope it helps anything else just hola
    1 point
  7. In boardIndexTemplate find: <th scope='col' class='col_c_stats stats'>{$this->lang->words['stats']}</th> Change that to: <th scope='col' class='col_c_stats stats'>Topics</th> Then under that, add this: <th scope='col' class='col_c_stats stats'>Posts</th> Now a bit further in the template, find the following code: <td class='col_c_stats ipsType_small'> <ul> <li><strong>{$forum_data['topics']}</strong> {$this->lang->words['topics']}</li> <li><strong>{$forum_data['posts']}</strong> {$this->lang->words['replies']}</li> </ul> </td> Change that to: <td class='col_c_stats ipsType_small'> <ul> <li><strong>{$forum_data['topics']}</strong> {$this->lang->words['topics']}</li> </ul> </td> <td class='col_c_stats ipsType_small'> <ul> <li><strong>{$forum_data['posts']}</strong> {$this->lang->words['replies']}</li> </ul> </td> I think this is right, but i haven't tested it. If it doesn't work then go back and undo the changes. (Follow these steps in reverse order)
    1 point
  8. You need to edit the boardIndexTemplate. This code should be there somewhere. <ul> <li><strong>{$forum_data['topics']}</strong> {$this->lang->words['topics']}</li> <li><strong>{$forum_data['posts']}</strong> {$this->lang->words['replies']}</li> </ul> You can edit and move this around where ever you want in the code, and give them their own columns.
    1 point
  9. I can confirm that I've received nothing from Hidden that would indicate any desire to leave the team. In fact, quite the opposite. Hidden has been constructive and attentive in all internal discussions and clearly still has a place here on the team. @Hidden - I apologize that this sort of rumor is running rampant. I personally have seen no mention of it aside from discussions I've pointed you to myself, and sincerely hope that the drama llamas don't deter you going forward!
    1 point
  10. Maybe you could try out music awards or something for the member rank titles, like how an artist can get his album gold or platinum or whatever. Or you could do something like "Street Performer" up to "Obama's Personal Violinist". Okay maybe not the last one but you get the idea.
    1 point
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