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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/2014 in all areas

  1. Welcome Mold! Good to see someone eager to join and help! The joke may have been a little corny, Phun, but I still chuckled
    1 point
  2. Or even have a points system that earns points towards downloads, and every download (depending on whether its a skin, addon, software release, etc.) deducts a certain amount of points from the user.
    1 point
  3. CometChat is not going to benefit WebFlake in anyway what so ever. I'm with Phun on the disagreement to CometChat. It looks horrid. It runs horrid it's just all in all a horrible peace of crap. For the activity of some members of the community, No one here can help that. You get no brainers who come here just to download free content because there too poor to actually purchase it them selves. Community's like this survive from loyal members and donations. Nothing more nothing less. It's a true fact. Look at countless other forum warez sites that have been online, and seen go offline within the space of a couple of months. Why is that? Like said above, it's because they don't have the loyal members to keep the site going with content. They don't have the donations to help keep the site going. They don't have the donations to provide the community with the content the members are wanting. They are all factors of why sites like this strive from there active / loyal members of the community. <else /> Site dies XD. Imho IPBCore, ForumCore & Webflake has stayed alive for this long sadly to say is because of the loyal members of the community that have stayed loyal to the community and have shared there mass amount of knowledge to other members of the community and providing others with content other's can't get there hands on them selves because of personal reasons like lack of money, no license for the forum board which then means to access to there marketplaces. To prevent stuff like this, To keep a community live and long living you need to pull a finger out your ass ( to put it blunt ). You need to make all the changes that need to be made. Webflake over the recent couple of months has made some great changes. Which is a good thing. But maybe some more needs to be done to keep the activity ( non spam activity ) at the top, where it needs to be. I'm guessing the members of staff need to get together and think of some more ways to keep the activity up and running. Maybe even if that means expanding to more category's than we have and promoting sectional moderators. ( not saying this is a way forward, just an example )
    1 point
  4. In System Settings > Members > User Profiles you can set the maximum width of the avatar, the height will be adjusted automatically.
    1 point
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