This was only the way i found you can do this Ok in ipb_styles find this, #recentajaxcontent li,
#idm_categories a,
#index_stats .status_list li,
#panel_files .file_listing li,
#panel_screenshots #ss_linked li,
#cart_totals td,
div#member_filters li,
#files li,
#order_review td,
#package_details .package_info,
.block_list li,
#help_topics li,
.ipsBox_container .ipsType_pagetitle,
.userpopup dl,
#announcements td,
.sideVerticalList li,
fieldset.with_subhead ul,
.ipsList_data li,
.ipsList_withminiphoto li,
.ipsList_withmediumphoto li,
table.ipb_table td,
.store_categories li,
#mini_cart li,
#index_stats div[id*="statusReply"],
#ipg_category .ipg_category_row,
.gallery_pane h2,
.status_feedback li[id*="statusReply"],
.ipsSideMenu ul li,
.ipbfs_login .clearfix,
.articles .block-1,
.articles .type-1x2x2 .article_row,
#idm_category .idm_category_row,
#category_list li a,
border-top: 1px solid #353535;
border-bottom: 1px solid #252525;
}Replace with this one, #recentajaxcontent li,
#idm_categories a,
#index_stats .status_list li,
#panel_files .file_listing li,
#panel_screenshots #ss_linked li,
#cart_totals td,
div#member_filters li,
#files li,
#order_review td,
#package_details .package_info,
.block_list li,
#help_topics li,
.ipsBox_container .ipsType_pagetitle,
.userpopup dl,
#announcements td,
.sideVerticalList li,
fieldset.with_subhead ul,
.ipsList_data li,
.ipsList_withminiphoto li,
.ipsList_withmediumphoto li,
table.ipb_table td,
.store_categories li,
#mini_cart li,
#index_stats div[id*="statusReply"],
#ipg_category .ipg_category_row,
.gallery_pane h2,
.status_feedback li[id*="statusReply"],
.ipsSideMenu ul li,
.ipbfs_login .clearfix,
.articles .block-1,
.articles .type-1x2x2 .article_row,
#idm_category .idm_category_row,
#category_list li a,
border-top: 1px solid #353535;
border-bottom: 1px solid #252525;
opacity: 0.4;