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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2014 in all areas

  1. There is probably some deep scientific research showing that most people select the letter B as the correct answer, who knows 'eh?
    1 point
  2. [content moderated - Making non-constructive posts, or flaming] ~ WebFlake Staff
    1 point
  3. What do you mean by opacity, do you mean you want it transparent or dull
    1 point
  4. 1. Go to: ACP > Looks and Feel > Skin Name > Board Index > boardIndexTemplate2. Find: <td class='col_c_stats ipsType_small'> <ul> <li><strong>{$forum_data['topics']}</strong> {$this->lang->words['topics']}</li> <li><strong>{$forum_data['posts']}</strong> {$this->lang->words['replies']}</li> </ul> </td>3. Replace With: <td style='width: 7%;'><span class='nstatsNumber'>{$forum_data['topics']}</span><span class='nstatsText'>{$this->lang->words['topics']}</span></td><td style='width: 7%;'><span class='nstatsNumber'>{$forum_data['posts']}</span><span class='nstatsText'>{$this->lang->words['replies']}</span></td>4. Go to: ACP > Looks and Feel > Skin Name > CSS > ipb_styles.css5. Add: .nstatsNumber, .nstatsText {display: block;text-align: center;color: #acacac;line-height: 23px;text-transform: uppercase;font-size: 16px;}.nstatsText {color: #d5d5d5;font-size: 11px;}
    1 point
  5. Username: Auris_Chiller First Name: Aurimas Age: 18 Rate your English out of 10: 8 Additional languages spoken: Russian,Lithuanian Software specialization: IPB IPB skills: 9/10 XenForo skills: 0 vBulletin skills: 0 WordPress skills: 0 HTML / CSS skills: 9 Other qualifications: Dj What can you bring to the team? Beeing in this teem i can bring a better qualification i mean that to make some clean. To watch old topics and etc, i will trie to take more help with IPB questions and supports and more and more. I have some ideas, like warning deletion, for reporting the forum tashers youc can decrease your warning or something else. And to dont copy this thing you could make some one thing in which nobody can copy and this post you able to see only you
    -1 points
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