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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/2014 in all areas

  1. Cyberpower, Kitguru. Gigabyte and IN-Win have joined forces and are currently hosting a contest to win a £1366 gaming pc atm ,http://splur.gy/r/6pPFl/r/2LTmMM0Hc6s some runner up prizes as well ,legit competition 14 days left until it is over ,thought i would share as might interest some here ,good luck all !
    2 points
  2. Possible idea would be to limit the downloads per day and tie them to posts. Think x post(s) per allowed download.
    2 points
  3. PrintScreen on windows captures both monitors, not sure if mac does the same job (http://www.printscreenmac.com/). That is a beautiful and also EXPENSIVE set-up you have there.
    1 point
  4. You can't really remove it. But here is a better solution for you. You need the separator (and when you change the _ to something else you MUST ensure that you don't create a folder under page manager, or a category under your database with the same name). You can change it by editing: --index.php (the external index.php included with IP.Content, if you are using it) AND --admin/applications_addon/ips/ccs/app_class_ccs.php In both, look for define( 'DATABASE_FURL_MARKER', '_' ); And change it to whatever you want (just ensure it is unique as noted above).
    1 point
  5. ACP > Looks and Feel > Skin Name > TopicView > post then find the following If You Would Like To Thank The Poster For This Download, Please Press The "Like This" Button Instead Of Posting. Thanks! and just remove the line of code.
    1 point
  6. Thank you for helping, i re overwrite all the files and everything worked!
    1 point
  7. Would mean core editing the file and remove the topic description line.
    1 point
  8. Re-read my previous post, i added something. Also; can you link me to your site and/or location of favicon?
    1 point
  9. Are you using some sort of caching service like cloudflare perhaps? Also try visiting the location of the favicon in your browser directly and do a hard refresh (Shift+F5)
    1 point
  10. I applaud your work, innovative is the right term... screw language.. this theme is the shit!
    1 point
  11. That's cause your browser probably stores favicons. This is happening for me aswell on another site. It won't show up for new visitors. Possible Solutions: 1 | Clear your browser stuffs 2 | Upload a new favicon
    1 point
  12. From what I know you cannot simply remove it, I had this but I have now changed it to // First open the file YOURWEBSITE.com/admin/applications_addon/ips/ccs/app_class_ccs.php and then edit define( 'DATABASE_FURL_MARKER', '_' ); to define( 'DATABASE_FURL_MARKER', '' );
    1 point
  13. ACP > Looks and Feel > Skin Name > CSS > ipb_styles.css find the following #community_app_menu > li > a { and then change the color hex code.
    1 point
  14. Can you PM me a temporary admin log in. I haven't used this application in a while but I think I know whats up,
    1 point
  15. Your skin is different than mine so you will have to look carefully. in forum view > forumindextemplate find <br /> <if test="hasannouncements:|:is_array( $announce_data ) AND count( $announce_data )"> <table class='ipb_table topic_list hover_rows' summary='{$this->lang->words['forum_topic_list']} "{$forum_data['name']}"' id='announcements'> <foreach loop="announcements:$announce_data as $aid => $adata"> <tr class='row2 announcement' id='arow_{$adata['announce_id']}'> <td> <php>$_seoTitle = $adata['announce_seo_title'] ? $adata['announce_seo_title'] : "%%{$adata['announce_title']}%%";</php> {parse replacement="t_announcement"} <h4> <a href="{parse url="showannouncement={$adata['announce_id']}&amp;f={$forum_data['id']}" seotitle="{$_seoTitle}" template="showannouncement" base="public"}" title='{$this->lang->words['view_announcement']}'>{$adata['announce_title']}</a> </h4>&nbsp; <span class='desc'>{$this->lang->words['posted_by']} {parse template="userHoverCard" group="global" params="$adata"} <if test="announcedates:|:$adata['announce_start'] AND $adata['announce_start'] != '--'">, {$adata['announce_start']}</if> </span> </td> </tr> </foreach> </table> <br /> </if> copy and cut this from template and find <script type='text/javascript'> new ipb.Menu( $('forum_filter'), $('forum_filter_menucontent'), { stopClose: true } ); </script> add the code copied after the above and add a header you can copy it from the pinned topics header for the word announcements.. Good Luck.
    1 point
  16. So I have this IP App for Raffles It works and everything *Except when i click 'Pick Winner' it gives me this error Features: Intregrate with IP.Nexus/PayPal, so you can sell raffles Ability to create an automatic topic when the raflle is completed (admin can choose the forum, the topic author, topic title and topic (post) content) Send a PM to the winner(s) of every raflle when is completed Notifications when the payment is recognized and when the raffle is completed Global hook inviting users to the raffle FURL Tabs on Admin CP raffle form Added a description field on Admin CP raffle form....... & So one That is the issue. No idea whats going on... tried and failed many a time I give up help needed
    0 points
  17. Solved it Myself.
    0 points
  18. You can always just change the Theme Images transparency prior to upload. The way it sounds is you would like to upload any photo and have a set default opacity. If you need help with making an image more transparent I can help. just post the image here and i'll take care of it
    0 points
  19. I know.. I was just stating that it would be easier for me to help him.
    0 points
  20. He isn't required to give you an admin login, it's all up to him.
    0 points
  21. You can put restrictions on the account... All I am trying to do is help. I can't help you if I haven't used the application in a while,
    0 points
  22. 0 points
  23. Hey guys! I have been a member of WF for a while and I never really introduced myself. Well to start off I was a member on ForumCore and I think there might have been another forum before that. Maybe starting with ipb? I don't know lol. But for some more personal details,I am 15, I know html,PHP,PPC,c#,and c++. I know quite abit about IPB and a little about vBulletin. I have gained quite a few friends along the way one of those being WF's own staff member Verified. I hope to gain more. Well that's enough about me. Thanks for taking your time to read this.
    -1 points
  24. If you could explain more that would be great. If you could explain more that would be great. If you could explain more that would be great.
    -1 points
  25. Congrats Jrock and thanks for approving my to download submissions. I am sure you will be a great head moderator!
    -1 points
  26. If you link me to where you downloaded the skin maybe I could figure it out.
    -1 points
  27. There is no doubt that it will be nulled.
    -1 points
  28. It looks amazing! The only thing that I think would make it look a lot better is making the dark blue a darker blue and make the light blue a darker blue. That's just my opinion on it. Overall I really love the skin.
    -1 points
  29. Cheers glad i could help!
    -1 points
  30. take it as a farewell post no longer going to be an active member he might as well leave on a good note
    -1 points
  31. That is a shame. You would be a great asset to this community.
    -1 points
  32. Amazing job as always Davlin.I love the new awards that were added! Keep up the good work.
    -1 points
  33. are you talking about recent topics??
    -1 points
  34. What is your price range? Doesn't seem like a pressing matter... only advice Over do it, Get top notch graphics, ram, hdd space, and cooling system. I'd advise waiting a little bit though if you can. I Say that because this is releasing before 2015 http://www.bit-tech.net/news/hardware/2014/05/01/seagate-10tb/1 My Thoughts, partition the hard drive 4 ways boot Linux, Mac & Windows with 1/4 to spare as backup. I advise you do similar could last you a VERY long time.
    -1 points
  35. WebFlake is failing slowly. This is for various reasons but I'm not going to go into them.
    -1 points
  36. Thanks! You should start seeing a change within a couple weeks!
    -1 points
  37. Check this out. This is really There are no words to describe this, WWE dream meets a child who fights against the cancer, and he managed to meet their favorite wrestlers and even managed to beat Triple H. RIP Connor "The Crusher" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fP1fojoKKI
    -1 points
  38. Hello fellow Flakers, Besides the here & there help I've provided for those that have created a topic seeking assistance, I feel I have not really contributed much to this great community. So I am going to give back by providing some great SEO tools & knowledge from both the White Hat & Black Hat perspective. (Black Hat <3) I have not seen a full blown SEO Help topic here & I see a lot of newcomers to the world of hosting, owning, running a website so I hope this can help. White Hat First off Get yourself a Google Webmaster Account & Bing/Yahoo Webmaster Account also get a Google Analytics Account (its the best imo) & Signing up for Bing/Yahoo ADS gets you a 50$ advertisement credit, even if people dont click a % of impressions are people that might have seen your site. The webmaster accounts allow you to upload sitemap files specifically designed for bots to crawl. They provide very good data on how many search impressions you receive, what is clicked most, as well as getting your website into 3 of the most popular search engines. You can have a sitemap made for free at many sitemap generating websites who abide by the guidelines of google & bing, here is an example site that I use. http://www.web-site-map.com/ You will want to index as many pages as possible & its best to select directories / pages with a lot of content and links. After tracking this info through your webmaster accounts you will get a grip on what people are looking for and what brings you the most traffic. This is key, especially when it comes to Meta Tags and the display of your website in the search engines. With meta tags you can add a title, description & keywords. (All hidden on the face of the website but the Title & Description appear in the search engine) This will show your site in an organized fashion in the search engines & allows you to dictate what appears. <head> <title> Your Website </title> <meta name="description" content="Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3, ETC, Seperate using commas"> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"> </head> Next Up is social networking (If you want to advertise what your doing) Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, etc. Posting content on a daily basis, followers or not, is a great way to get recognized and the more sites linking in to your website out there the better. Bots will crawl and Bots will see. Black Hat To get views and ranked fast, this is the way to go but every rose has its thorn, some of these methods will indeed boost your site ranking, but some things might suffer like your bounce rate & time spent on the site. Here are some great websites AlexaBoostup.com Essentially this works as long as people use it. It works off a point system, you are give 500 points to start & each point spent is a view from somebody else, you can gain points by viewing others and every 90 seconds a new site appears. Each site you view you gain 1 point. You can just let this run all night gaining points & then during the day you can allow your points to be spent. This only works if you have the Alexa Toolbar installed but nonetheless it gets your website viewed and I vouch for it as it does work. Linkcollider.com This works in a similar manner to AlexaBoostup in terms of points but does not require the toolbar, it is a more general autosurf application and is not limited to websites. You can use this too boost all your social networks, and instead of people only viewing yourwebsite they can choose to retweet, like a facebook post, subscribe to your youtube, etc. Very Powerful tool. Pingfarm & IndexKings Ping farm allows you to add an unlimited amount of URLS and will ping search engines, enticing the bots to crawl as the ping signals the site has been updated, create a .txt file with the urls you want it to ping and ping it as many times as you would like. Index Kings allows you to add an unlimited amount of URLS and will then add links to at least 15,000 sites per URL. This is very powerful as the more sites your websites link appears on the more it will appear on search engines. The only other tip I have for Black Hat Seo is get this program called Tviewer. Seen here I'm not going to post a download link, you will have to find it on your own. Install Alexa & Quantcasts tags into your browser, Along with google analytics this will give you a well rounded perspective on your sites views. I hoped this is useful! I'm no expert, just a few tips that have worked for me. Less than 48 hours of my full blown SEO integration.
    -1 points
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